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3rd Person's P.o.V:


The emerald eyed man chuckled as he looks at Lucy..His gaze was drowned in her chocolate orbs as he tightened his grip on her waist..

"Princess~You remember me?"He asks tilting her chin upwards..

A sudden light flashed inside her mind as her breath hitched,"France..No...Al..Altair?You're a..Diablo as well right?"She asks in a hushed tone..

"Haaaah!You really do remember who I am!I want to kill that old geezer for making you suffer though.."France said sighing before looking at Hellios and Hayce,who's gaze pierced through him..

"Hmm~!You two should go back,father isn't happy about your sudden leave.."He stated smiling..

Hayce pouts,"I won't be going back if you don't as well.."He said as Hellios nods in agreement..France sighs helplessly before turning his attention back to the blonde..

He planted a kiss on her forehead before releasing her,"See you princess~Please don't get into too much trouble while you're knights away okay?"He says as he creates a portal before walking in it..

Hellios plants a kiss on the back of her palm and followed while Hayce left a little blowing kiss..The red sky suddenly cracks and disappears..The violent snowfall had slowly went back to normal..

"Those..Three..Why are they so familiar to me..?"She whispers as her sight begins to darken..

Lucy coughed before her vision completely turned black..Her body landed on the snow with a brief thud as a small blush crept on her cheek..

-Flashback Time!-
-Unknown Time-

"Hey!Hey you people!"An eleven year old Lucy called as she runs over to a group of thirteen year old boys who were hitting something with pieces of wood..

"Huh?Get out of our way.."A boy said as he pushes her away..Lucy huffed,"What are you hitting?!"She shouted..

Another boy who seemed like the leader growled,"Why do you care?Mind your own goddamned business!"He stated as he attempts to grab her throat..


Every boy's eyes widened in fear as they see the leader fall down on the cold concrete floor in his own pool of blood with what looks like a pocket knife stuck in his throat..

Lucy takes the knife out before pointing it at them with a scary look on her face,"Don't tell anyone about this murder..Or else I'll hunt each and every one of you..And I'll do what I did to him..Got that?"

The boys scream,"She killed Aoyama!Run!!!"With that,they ran away dropping their pieces of wood..She nears the thing..No..The person that they were hitting and immediately gasped..

It was a white haired boy with blood red eyes..His head was bleeding badly and cuts were all over his body..The boy was Hayce and was currently unconscious..

"Huff!Those meanies!"Lucy grunted as she takes off her blood stained jacket before cutting it into strands of fabric using her pocket knife..

She used the short strands as bandages for the cuts while the thicker and longer one for his head..After all the ways his blood could leak out was covered,Lucy slung his arm around her petite body and started making her way back to her house..

"Oh Miss Lucy!Did you kill someone again?!And is that boy okay?!"A blonde haired gardener asks as she drops her scissors and rushes over to them..

"Yeah..Please tell Loke to meet me after the boy is treated Lyra.."She replies..

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