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3rd Person's Pov
Lucy's hair swayed as she stares at the Magi in front of her..She readies her wand but gets stopped as Judar holds her arm..She winced..

"Now now..We wouldn't want our little lamb causing trouble no?"Judar said as Lucy glared at him..

He chuckled before pointing his wand  to her..He threw it at her,her reflexes triggered and she was able to dodge it barely and only got a sliced cheek instead..
She winced as she caressed her cheek..She was going to stardress when Judar let her go..

The magi smirked before getting his wand and exiting using the balcony,Lucy sighs in relief before feeling her cheek sting painfully..The slice on her cheek turned purplish black..Purple streaks started spreading on her face as she kneeled down..She whimpered as she held her cheek..She screams when she felt like she was being stabbed by hundreds of daggers..It was unbearable..Before she blacked out,she heard her door burst open before she was in someone's arms..

Her eyes closed as she could not bear the pain it was giving to her..Meanwhile,the one holding her was none other than the High King of the Seven Seas,Sinbad..

"Lucy!Lucy wake up!"He shouts as he softly shakes the hardly breathing blonde..The black streaks started scattering all over her cheek as Sinbad clenched his teeth..

"Yamahira come quickly!"He shouts..

Yamahira burst through the door with Aladdin as they stare in shock,"Hime!"She shouts and kneels down,trying to heal the blonde..

"L-Lucy-neesan!"Aladdin said in concern as he looks at Lucy's cheek..He was trembling as he caressed it..

Lucy was hardly breathing,it was very uneven..She started to turn pale,her face not having any color..Aladdin started crying as he tries to wake Lucy up..

"Lucy-neesan please wake up!!"

'Where am I?' Lucy thought as she looks around..She was in some kind of cage made out of bones..Her sliced cheek made the side of her face have black streaks..

A world full of despair..

She was going to walk when she felt her feet were being chained..She looked down to see black,violet snakes wrapping around her leg..It wrapped around her tightly that she was forcefully kneeled down..

Pain..So much pain..

"Gah!"She grunted as more snakes wrapped around her body..She tried taking her arms and body back but the snakes were wrapping tightly that she couldn't move..

But betrayal..It breaks our soul..

Tears started forming on the corner of her eyes as she was slowly wrapped around by the snakes,only leaving her face..

'Did I die?'

Different events started playing in her mind..She bit her lip to stop herself from crying as she remembers all the pain and sadness she went through..

'Kill them..'

'Hate them..'

'Kill them!'

A tear slipped out as she clenches her fists..Voices started taunting her as tears slowly slipped out one by one..

'No!I don't..Want to..K-Kill..Them..'

'They have caused you too much pain and suffering..Why not kill them?'

'L-Leave me alone!P-Please!'

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