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3rd Person's P.o.V:

"Sensei!How do I look?"Mash asks grinning as Lucy smiles,"You look good in a Yukata Mash..."She compliments..

Kouen glared secretly from behind,"Who..In god's name is he to take her attention?"He whispered grunting..Sinbad rolled his eyes,"For once I agree.."

"You two shouldn't be too bitter about Mash-nii being Lucy-neesan's apprentice..Let him be!"Aladdin exclaimed smiling..But then he hears Lucy laugh..

His head creepily turns towards Mash who was doing funny poses to make the blonde laugh..Something snapped inside the magi's mind..

"That..That!"He growled.."I'm supposed to be the only one Lucy-neesan laughs at!"He whined..

Alibaba pouts,"How ironic..You were the one scolding King Sinbad and Emperor Kouen,but now.."He teased..

"Oi oi, stop bruting you three..We should support Lucy-chan in her decision!"Sharkan stated ruffling Aladdin's hair..

Yamahira nods,"Agreed..We should be happy since she's laughing.."She seconded..Pisti and Kogyokou looked at Yamahira with lenny faces,"Couple Goals.."They muttered giggling..

"I don't really expect anything to change..Lucy-neesama would always spend time with us equally..Now we just have another person to share it with..Right Jafar?"Koumei says gripping a scroll as a dark aura surrounds him..Jafar nods breaking the fan he was holding,"Yep....."He answers trailing off..

Lucy notices the dark aura behind her and sighed..She turns to them and smiles brightly,"Ne Minna!Let's go eat lunch now!"She exclaimed waving her hand..Somehow,it brightened up the atmosphere around them..But it wasn't enough to completely take away the growing jealousy..

Everyone proceeded to eat lunch with the maidens going around and serving them..Lucy blows on her coffee before sipping on it..Looking around,everyone's eyes seemed to be eyeing on the poor boy who doesn't seem to even notice the glares as he eats..

Lucy grumbled causing the said people look at her,she finishes her food and stands up,"I'm not feeling well..I'll go rest.."She said dismissively and walked away,Masrur following behind her..

It left everyone in silence,"Lucy-sama seems off.."Hinahoho said sweatdropping..Yamahira rolls her eyes,"You guys really don't feel it don't you?"She said wiping her mouth with a napkin..

"You guys have been obviously hating on Mash and Hime-sama noticed it quickly..The atmosphere must've made her sick.."Drakon explained..

"Man you guys don't understand a thing don't yah?"

This time,Mash stands up,his eyes closed..He remains silent before nodding,"You guys are foolish people..If you really did love Sensei with all your heart,you should've supported on her decision to take me in..Now she feels like she's done a big mistake.."He stated opening his eyes and walking away leaving everyone speechless..

"Welp,I'll go apologize then!"Aladdin said sighing..But when he stood up from his seat..A loud call for help and explosions were heard..

Everyone ran towards the girls room where Masrur was on the ground unconscious with bruises and scars,Mash just beside him on the same condition and Lucy was nowhere to be found..

"Blood..?"Morgiana murmured,her eyes wide as she scurried to the droplets of blood on the floor..Her breath hitched for a second,trying to deny that this was from her dearest Lucy-nee..


"Huunn~!"A girl yawned as she takes a sip of her coffee..It was dark..Well..
The room she was in was dark..The lights flickered open and the girl turned her head to a guy..

"Hnn,thanks for helping me in this..I owe you one.."The girl said pouting..Hayce hums,"Heeeh~!No problem!This way princess is protected!"He exclaims..

The girl gazed at him before looking at a tied up blonde haired woman,"Let me out!Oi!Hayce!"She yelled..Hayce sweatdropped,"Sorry.."He said..


-Back at the Gang-

"So you're saying a guy came in, knocked both Masrur and you out..And managed to even hurt Lucy-hime before capturing her?"Yamahira asks..

Mash nods,"Yeah..At least that's what I remembered.."He murmurs clutching the sheets,"We need to save Sensei!"He yelled..

"I don't trust you one bit boy..You remembered something while Masrur didn't..That's suspicious since you two have the same condition.."Koumei stated..

Kogyokou held Koumei's arm tightly,"Mei-nee this isn't the time to doubt..Lucy-neesan might be in danger..And we're here wasting our time fighting!"She explained..

"So that's why you're debating whether or not to save Sensei?"Mash asks,his tone was like he just realized something..He looked at them..

"Look..If you..If you guys don't want me here then fine..But please..Just please save Sensei..!She might get because of me,so please just save her and I'll go!"He said gritting his teeth..

'Hm..To say such a thing..'Sinbad thought sighing before offering a hand for him,a small smile planted on his face..

"The little princess won't be happy if you were to leave..That's why rest well so you can help us find her.."

Me: This is too short..I'm running out of ideas..!


Can you put some suggestions on what will happen in the comment box?That would be a great help! :D

Jasmine: Girl you're an author..I don't even understand you anymore >: )

Me: What ~3~

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