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3rd Person's P.O.V:

"No..No..Yes..No.."Lucy abruptly signs the papers Jafar had lended to her..It was hella big though,so it really surprised the blonde..With a long sigh,she finishes another stack of it..

"Hime-sama..Why won't you rest for a bit?"Masrur asks in a slightly concerned voice..You wouldn't notice the concern without looking at his eyes though..

Lucy smiles at him with a somehow strained smile,"It's fine..This should be my..Share..Since I have been gone for some quite time.."She said..The fanalis could only watch in pain as his mistress works diligently non stop..

"Achoo!"Lucy sneezes..Masrur's eyes quickly landed on her..Her cheeks were heating up..And her chocolate brown eyes seemed droopy..He immediately takes the pen away from Lucy,"Hime-sama..I think you should rest..Now.."He stated..She grumbles,"I don't wanna.."She whispers..

Masrur suddenly carries her to the couch and placed her down gently..He grabbed a blanket and put it over her..He checks her temperature and he knew he was right,"Hime-sama you have a fever.."Masrur said..

Lucy whines,"But Masrur..I'm fine..Let me get back to work.."The fanalis stopped her from standing up and gave her a look that made her surrender..With another long sigh,Lucy closes her eyes,"I guess you're right..I do need some rest.."She said...

Masrur exits the room,after checking her one more time..He heads toward Sinbad's Office,when he happens to bump into Aladdin and Alibaba..

"Masrur-kun?Where are you heading?"Aladdin asks curiously..He gave him a nod,"Towards..King Sinbad's office.."He answered..The magi tilts his head,"What for??"He asks..

Alibaba nods,"Yeah..Is there a problem?You seem to be very..Worried.."He stated..The fanalis diverts his attention to the blonde,"Hime-sama is having a fever.."He said..

"Eh?!"The two shouts with surprised faces..The fanalis was able to give a nod before the two bolted towards Lucy's own office..He continues his march towards Sinbad's office..

Masrur knocks on the door..And he gets a reply..He comes in and sees Sinbad doing his share of work as well,"My king..Hime-sama is quite under the weather.."Masrur reported..

The purple headed King immediately looks up from his papers,"Are you sure?Just earlier..She had such a healthy aura.."He says..Masrur nods,"I'm sure..Her temperature has increased..And her eyes are strained as well.."

"Okay then..Little princess I'm coming!"Sinbad yells as he dashed out the room as well..Masrur sighed,"What a pain.."He whispers..

Back at The Room~

"Uwah..Lucy-neechan is so cute when she's sleeping.."Pisti said,her eyes sparkling as she pokes Lucy's cheeks.. Yamahira gave her a slight glare,"Pisti you might wake her up.."She pointed out..

Pisti pouts,"But I can't resist her cuteness..Especially with Aladdin there.."She whines..Yamahira stares at the sleeping Lucy,with Aladdin cuddled to her side..She pinches her nose to stop it from erupting like a volcano before averting her gaze..

"I haven't seen Lucy-san like this..She seems really stressed.."Morgiana says..Alibaba nods,"She has bags under her eyes,and she mostly lost color by now.."He said looking worriedly at the girl..

Jafar sighs,"It isn't easy being a royal who has two titles..She must've been staying really late to finish all the work she left..I am partially at fault for giving them though.."He explains..


Everyone stared at the door,that Kogyokou and Kouha just broke because of their strength..They rushed beside Lucy and started checking her..After explaining, Kogyokou's eye flared..

"Who..Would let Lucy-neechan finish all those by herself?!!!?!"She yells pointing to the mountainous piles of paperwork in the corner..Kouha covers his sister's mouth,"Shut up..Lucy-neechan might wake up!"He whispered yell..Kogyokou puffs her cheeks before she stomped out of the room..

You could hear slight breaking of things and explosions..Everyone sweatdrops..Alibaba looks at Kouha,"Why are you so calm about this?"He asks..Kouha smiles,"I know Lucy-neechan accepted the work wholeheartedly..And her getting a fever from it,isn't rare.."He explains..

"Not rare?Did she ever get this ton of paperwork before?"Jafar asks..The prince laughs,"Well..Not really..She would often help Father in the paperwork..And get sick after..That's why En-nii slightly hates her in the past.."He answers..


Lucy sneezes as everyone freezes..She murmurs something under her breath before going back to sleep,With a breath of relief..Everyone relaxes..They decided to leave her for now,since she was already taken care of..


The sky had just turned dark..The stars had also just climbed upon it..A pair of lovely brown eyes opened..She stiffles a yawn and was about to get up,when she felt something was wrapped around her waist..It was a blue haired magi..She blinks before looking at her desk..The paperwork was neatly done,and presents were on it..Some were flowers and some were sweets..

"What the..I'm sure I left the paperworks all scattered when Masrur made me take a nap.."She whispered..She looked down and caressed Aladdin's head..

With a small sigh,she looks at the open window..Her eyes looked like it somehow lit itself..She was very happy..You could even tell from just being near her..

"I'm finally back huh?I guess I should return to my daily routine.."She says yawning..Aladdin's eyes opened groggily,"Lucy-neechan?Is your fever already gone?"Aladdin asks sleepily..

Lucy smiles,"I think so..It seems you kept me company huh?"She asks..He smiles and nods,"Mn!I was scared you'd be alone again..So I slept by your side.."He answers saluting..The blonde laughed before standing up, Aladdin following herself as well..

The blonde looked at herself before sweatdropping,"Ne Aladdin..Could you wait outside?I'll just change.."She said..Aladdin nodded and skipped outside..Lucy went to her closet and picked out something simple..

It was a white dress that reached her knees,with a pattern of red roses on it..Once she changed,she did her hair all in a side ponytail..And to top it all off,wore her favorite gladiator sandals..Reminding herself that Aladdin was outside,she skipped towards the door..

She opened the door and saw Sharkan and Yamhira quarreling..Lucy sweatdropped as she sees Aladdin trying to stop the two..As she thought it was just one of those common fights,she knew she was wrong when she saw tears in Yamhira's eyes..

"Who in the world would say such a thing?!How could you?!"Yamhira yells..Sharkan tchs,"It's true anyways!You were better off without that old man.."He stated..The blue haired Magician could only glare at Sharkan who was avoiding his gaze at her..

"Sharkan I think it's better to just calm down..You too Yam-san.."Aladdin said pushing himself in between them..But he was pushed away by Yamhira,"You have no part in this Aladdin!It's between us only!"She snapped.."So shut the fuck up!"Sharkan yelled..

Lucy hadn't seen the two fight this bad..Have everything changed?Did they all just kept it from her?Lucy wondered to herself,worried..

"You two..Please stop..I don't know what you're fighting about but doing this to Aladdin?Isn't that just too far?!"

Me: A fight has happened between the two?!What is it about?!What will happen next?!

Jasmine: Yo guys..Saphy apologizes for not updating..She's been really stressed lately,since she had many contests and events she participated in..And all of those required very great amount of time..So she apologizes..

Me: *cries* I'm sorry everyone!!

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