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[At Sindria's Palace]
3rd Person's Pov
It was almost lunch already,Lucy was currently in the palace garden with Masrur,Morgiana,Alibaba and Aladdin..

After the incident regarding what Judar said,Sinbad assigned Masrur to be with Lucy and guard her until everything settles down..

Lucy was in her bed,laying down while looking at the ceiling where different carvings seemed to be placed..

The door opens to reveal Masrur..Who was still in his poker face..Lucy looks at him,"Masrur-san?What are you doing here?"She asks,confusion written on her face..

"I am now your body Guard and forever will be.."Masrur states as he bows down..

Lucy seemed surprised before nervously chuckling,"Are you sure you want to be my Body Gaurd?I mean..I will usually be just wandering around..You'll be bored.."Lucy explained..

Masrur shook his head,"I have given my loyalty to you..And to you only..So even if it means risking my life for my Mistress then so be it.."He stated,his eyes full of seriousness..

Lucy's eyes darkened surprising him,ever since he met her he had never seen her been so..Gloomy?If that's the word..

She gripped on the blanket that was on her,"You don't need to risk your life..You are not someone who is always to be ordered around..You are a human..A human with the capability of having freedom.."She said..

Masrur was taken aback by her words..He didn't know why but it made his heart feel warm..He smiled a small smile,"Then shall I be your friend then?A friend who will always be there for you?"

Now,It was Lucy's turn to be taken by his words..She smiled as she looks at him..He saw a sparkle near her eyes..It was tears..She smiled at him while crying..

"Will you be my friend Masrur?"She asks in a trembling voice..

Masrur smiled before nodding,"Forever will be.."

-FlashBack Over!-
Lucy smiled at the three children infront of her..They were trying their best to make a flower crown like what Lucy was doing but failed in every attempt..

She heaved a deep sigh before gathering some flowers,"Here's how you do it..Slow and steady no?"She asks as she weaves one flower,with another flower,and another until she made a flower crown..

Morgiana was the first to finish..With her flower crown having the stems of a Hibiscus and the decorations of Red Asters..Her eyes sparkled as she looks at the crown she made..Lucy clapped her hands proudly at Morgiana making her blush..

"Sugoi Morg-chan!How are you doing Aladdin?Alibaba?"Lucy asks looking at the two boys..

"We're done Lucy-neesan/Lucy-sama!"Aladdin and Alibaba exclaims as both of them show her their flower crowns..

Aladdin's flower crown had the stem of Narcissus and the decoration of purple and blue Tulips..Alibaba on the other hand,used a Daffodil as his stem and orange Quisqualis..

"Utsukushii[1]!!"Lucy exclaimed looking at the crowns..The two boys looked at each other before smiling..

Lucy then looked at Masrur before giving him a flower crown with Stems of a Hibiscus and decorations of red tulips,"This is for Masrur-san!"She said as Masrur accepts it..

"A-Arigatou.."Masrur muttered as he puts it on his head..He then gave Lucy a flower crown as well..The stems he used were a Hibiscus and the decorations were Carnations and Flax..

"This is for you Hime.."He says averting his gaze,a tinge of blush crept on his cheeks..

Lucy blinked before accepting it with a grin,"Thank you Masrur-san!"She exclaimed putting the flower crown on..

"Waah you look beautiful Lucy-neesan!"Aladdin exclaimed as he hugs Lucy..The blonde giggled,a tinge of pink on her cheeks..

"A-Arigatou Aladdin-chan.."Lucy says as she pats Aladdin's head..He grinned widely at her and nodded..

Masrur watches Lucy interact with the children quietly..His eyes seem to soften whether Lucy asks him something..His voice softens aswell..

"Little Princess I'm back~!"

"You mean we're back.."

Lucy glanced at the approaching figures and smiled at them,"Hello Sinbad!Jafar!"lucy greeted..

"Hello Little Princess~"

"Hello Lucy-sama.."

Lucy eyes became blurry a bit so she blinked her eyes..After a second it dissapeared..She looked up and smiled at them,"What brings you here?Is there any problems?"Lucy asks..

Sinbad chuckled before ruffling her hair which Masrur was not happy about,"Ah like always..You seem to know what we're here for!Right Jafar?"Sinbad asks..Jafar nodded and showed her a small letter..It had gold linings and a seal that was familiar to Lucy..

"This is..From the Kou Empire.."She whispered as she opened it..She read the letter and immediately brightened up..

"We're going to the Kou Empire to discuss about the diplomatic status of the people near the South since it is both of our land.."Jafar explained with a small smile as Lucy nodded..

"Sugoi!I get to meet Kouen and the others again!"Lucy exclaimed as she thinks about the Ren Family..Kouha, Kogyokou,Koumei,Kouen,Hakuei and Hakuryu..

Sinbad laughed at her cheerfulness before pulling her upwards,"We'll be leaving tomorrow so I tasked the maids to dress you up early in the morning..It is still work.."He said..

Lucy pouts,"Waah so mean.."She mutters as everyone sweatdropped..

"Ah it seems Lunch is served..Shall we go now?Lucy-sama?Minna?"Jafar asks just as a maid talked with him..

Everyone nodded and followed him towards the dining room..As they eat with the others,another event of having a blurry vision took over Lucy as she accidentally tightened her grip on the fork she used..Masrur was next to her so he noticed this,"Hime are you okay?"He whispered as Lucy was snapped back to reality..She forced a smile before shaking her head and continued eating..

Everyone chatted blissfully while eating..And somehow Sharkkan managed to tick Yamahira off as both of them started fighting..

Lucy smiled,this reminded her of the parties in Fairy Tail,it was lively and jolly..She shook it off and decided to retire for a bit..

As she walked outside,of course with Masrur behind her..She went to a balcony..A breeze maid her hair sway a bit..Her chocolate orbs seemed to soften as she gazes at the view in front of her..This was the exact same feeling she felt when she stood highly on the Castle balcony,looking at the City Of Crocus..

She chuckled to herself as she muttered a few words Masrur couldn't hear clearly..

"I really have gotten too attached to this kingdom huh?"

A/n:This is one of my (somehow?) flashback chapters!Hope you like this part of the story!Oh and please do continue to put some funny comments!It really amuses me how much comments I got on my other accounts..Some were saying:

(•)Lucy you so dense gurl!

(•)Sinbad is being a pedophile to our precious Lucy!!

Someone replied to the second one saying: Baka!Lucy is almost the same age of Sinbad because of the 7 years time skip and another year when Natsu went training!!

XD Your comments are so funny!I do hope to see some of these in here!

1.Utsukushii: Beautiful/pretty

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