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3rd Person's P.o.V:

"Defining Barcade!!"Alistair chanted as a sphere enveloped him and the two dragon slayers,protecting them from the incoming attack...

"Shit..Come on you brats!Wake up!"He growled as he keeps on casting the barrier..

His magic power was depleting and that meant it would either kill him or kill his owner..

"BWUAHAHAHA!!YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO CONQUER ME YOU FILTHY HUMANS!!"The spirit, Vaiès cackled as he keeps on sending attacks at them..

Alistair grits his teeth,"Too bad I'm not a human.."He whispered smirking as he holds the two knocked out Dragon slayers before teleporting somewhere in the dungeon..

Panting,he falls down on the ground with a loud thud..He teleported them in the forest part,where trees covered the whole area..

"Damn it...If..Ugh!"He grumbled as he tries to sit up but fails and slams his back hard on the ground..

"A-Alistair....Kun....D-don't move..!"Wendy murmured as she shakily reaches her hand on his chest..

"L-Let go w-will yo--!"

He couldn't finish when her hand starts glowing blue,"I'll u-use my remaining power to heal you...I..You need to complete this mission..For Lucy-san.."She said as she takes her hand off before it limply falls beside her..

"Fuck this!!You should've just fucking saved yourself!!"Alistair yelled as he sits up once more..His eyes showing concern..

"If...I did...Then...You would've died right in front of us..Unlike me and Romeo-kun,we can..Still survive.."She replies in a hushed tone before closing her eyes slowly..

Alistair's hands forms into fists as anger overtook his face,"Bullshit!Who the fuck told you to save me?!You should've just cared for yourself!!I don't need anyone's pity!!"He growled as his whole body lights up in flames..

"Damn you.....Always being such a burden.."He snapped as he casts a barrier around them before looking at the sky..


He gives a sneer as he jumps away from the attack..The spirit cackled as Alistair summons his scythes..

"Shut the fuck up will you?They're sleeping and once they wake up,I will fucking make sure you go to hell.."He states as he starts attacking it..

The two spirits exchanged hits and blocks..Alistair was growing tired because of how long he was using his magic again..The Dijiin noticed this before stopping..

"If I may ask..Why are you risking your life towards humans like them?"He says pointing to the sleeping children..

'This guy is so bipolar..'Alistair thought sweatdropping..

"Cuz it's my choice so fuck off..I still have a debt to pay towards them so come and get me you piece of shit.."He snapped smirking..

The Dijiin was enraged by this,"How dare you say those things to me?!YOU WILL REGRET IT!!"He screamed as he sends his most powerful attack towards the spirit..

'Tch..I'm in trouble..Sorry to spoil you guys but looks like I'll be leaving the debt unpaid...'Alistair thought,giving his last glances towards the two..

"Sigh...Princess...Bye..."With those words muttered,the attack explodes..

"Crushing Grief of Heaven!!"The dijiin yelled..

Alistair closed his eyes,waiting for the impact to happen..But nothing came..He opened his eyes and saw none other than his beloved Master..

"Full Dijiin Equip: Urāi!"Lucy says smiling at him..He was in disbelief as he stares at her from afar..

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