Chapter 16- Scream And Shout

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“How does the jury rule?” Judge White asked.

A slender woman with black hair stood and cleared her throat, “the jury rules in favour of Joy Stevenson,” I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my feet.

“There will be a custardy hearing in two weeks but until then the Scott’s will have the children every second weekend,” she was about to pound her gavel when I stood abruptly.

“Please no! Please don’t make me go with her! I don’t want to go! Please don’t make us!” I begged as the tears started to flow. “I hate her! Please let us go with our dad! Please!”

“Young lady the jury has ruled,” she told me.

I walked around the table and walked up to the stand, “please Judge. She ruined my life. I’m a high school drop out who is doing better now because I’m with my dad. Please don’t take us away from him. My little brother is now at school every dad because we’re with him and we’re both doing so well”

“I’m sure that you will be able to do the same with your mother”

“But she’s not my mother. She’s just some lady why helped create me. What that saying? It’s not whose DNA is in your body but who raises you. I may have been with them for nine months but they’ve been more of parents to me that she has in sixteen years”

“Jury has ruled in favour of Joy Stevenson and that’s how it’s staying,” she said then pounded her gavel.

“No!” I shrieked. “Please no!”

“Lacy!” Chris ordered.

I ran to him then clutched onto him, “don’t let them take me! Please dad, don’t leave me!” I begged.

“Lacy it’s going to be ok,” he said, crying himself.

Markus hugged him too, “dad please don’t let her take us,” Markus pleaded.

“Guys you have to go,” he told us.


A guard came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He once he had managed to pull me off my dad he lifted me up but I started kicking around and screaming. I tried grabbing onto the wooden chairs but he grabbed my arms and dragged me out.

“I don’t want to go! I don’t want to go!” I repeated.

Once we were outside Markus and I were made to wait on the stairs while “Steve” got the car. We both stood there with puffy faces and our arms crossed over our chests.

“C’mon guys. It won’t be that bad,” joy said, smiling.

I looked up t her with a glare, “we hate you,” Markus told her.


“Congratulations, you’ve managed to ruin my life, not once but twice!” I told her.

“I was in a bad place”

“And it’s because of you we were in a bad place”

“I’m going to make it up to you”

“The only way you could make it up to me was if you overdose,” she gasped and stared at me.

“Lacy!” she scolded.

“I’m just telling you the truth. Just like I’m telling you that we fucking hate you and I wish you had overdosed

Steve pulled up and she gave us a look before walking down the stairs and opening the door. We just stared at her.

“C’mon guys please. Don’t make this harder than it has to be”

“Why not? You seem to love making our lives more difficult than they have to be,” Markus told her.

“How many times do I have to say that I’m sorry?”

“You could never say it enough,” he said and I rubbed his head.

“I for one can say that I’m not going with you,” I told her.

“Me either,” Markus agreed.

“You have to”

“I’d rather be homeless,” I spat.

“Just get in the car. Please,” she begged.

“Why should we doing anything to make you happy? You’ve never done that for us,” Markus told her.

“I’m with him,” I said, pointing to him.

“Because I’m begging you”

“I begged them not to let you take us but did they listen? No. so it looks like none of us are getting what we want today”

“At the end of the day you’re in my custardy so it’s either you get in the car or we’ll see what the judge has to say”

“I’ll take my chances,” I said snidely. 

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