Mr Sullivan

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"Schedules have been passed!" Wanda ran in, her red hair still messy from sleeping. She handed them out to everyone who was in the common room. Loki put down his frosted flakes, looking tired.

"Wait, they actually want us to go to these classes?" He looked at his paper. "What is... gym?" He asked, returning to his breakfast. 

"Like training, but easy. Lots of dodge ball." Nat answered.

 Clint smiled, he was gonna be good at that.

"Oh, I have chemistry first!" Bruce said excitedly. " I cant wait to see what kind of lab they have!"

"Same here." Exclaimed Tony.

"Science bros." They whispered in unison, fist bumping.


 Stephen sat in a comfy beanbag in the library, reading a book on anatomy he found in the health section.. He tugged at the sleeves of his cloak-jacket. It felt weird not having the relic on his back like usual, but this was okay. Tomorrow, he was going to wear it as a scarf, he decided just as Tony and Thor walked in. A group of girls immediately drew their gaze to admire Thor. They tried and failed to catch his blue eyes. Stephen laughed at them in his head.  

"Ready for English, Stephen?" Tony asked the wizard. they were planning on sitting next to each other.

"I assume Thor's in this class to?" 

"Yep!" The tall, cheery boy said, a little to excitedly. The librarian glared at him.

Stephen grabbed his backpack, loosely hooking it on his shoulders. He caught up with the boys.

"It says here that we have Mr Sullivan as our English teacher." Tony groaned. Stephen and Thor looked at him confused.

"Wanda, Clint and I meet up at break. They say he's really mean." Tony clarified.

"Well then, lets hope they are wrong!" Thor bounded ahead, leaving Tony and Stephen behind.

"How is he so optimistic all the time? It seems exhausting!" Tony shook his head. Stephen just laughed. 

"He grew up with Loki, for gods sake!" Tony through his hands up in the air dramatically.

"Well, Loki is adopted." Stephen countered.

The two laughed, looking at each other. 


"You're late." Mr Sullivan said, his voice deep and cold. 

"Only by a minute, professor!" Tony said.

"Sorry Sir." Stephen looked at the floor.

"Well, anyway class, we have three new students. Please come and tell us about yourselves." The teachers tone had quickly changed from cold to welcoming. 

"I am Thor Odinson, and I'm from-" Looked over to Tony, who mouthed "Iceland". "Iceland."

"Okay..." Mr Sullivan eyed him suspiciously. "Next?"

"Hey, I'm Tony Star-

"No nicknames." Mr Sullivan's voice was cold again while he addressed Tony.

"Okay? My name is Anthony Stark, and I'm from long island."

A boy in a Blue Hoodie raised his hand.

"Your dad couldn't perhaps be Howard Stark?" He asked.

"Ahhh, No." Tony lied. He didn't want the school to know that. The kid in the blue hoodie looked disappointed.

"Last up." The professor beckoned Stephen over to the board.

"Hi, my name is Stephen Strange, and I was born in Philadelphia, but I moved to Nepal, and now here."  

"What happened to your hands?" A girl with frizzy white-blond hair asked in disgust, eyeing the scars on the back of his palms

Tony was mad at the girl. Stephen didn't like the topic of his hands, and now he was put on the spot about it?! 

"I was hit by a car." Stephen said quietly, inching his hands up his sleeves. 

"That enough, now go sit down and open your books to page 221..."


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