Honey Crisp or Gala?

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"Shoot. We need groceries." Wanda exclaimed as she closed the fridge door.

"Yeah, we'll go after school tomorrow," Clint said. "I've been waiting till this week because the milk is on sale."

"We don't all need to go, do we?" Loki groaned. 

"Yeah, I hate shopping."Natasha agreed with Loki's sentiment.

"Nah, just me, Bruce, Stephen and I. Oh, and Tony to drive," Clint answered. 


The four boys hopped out of the car and into the packed Costco parking lot.

"I only have two re-usable bags, will that be okay?" Bruce asked the group.

"Probably, we don't need much," Clint reassured him.

Tony grabbed a cart. Its wheels screamed as he pulled it out of the lot.

"We always seem to get the worst ones, don't we." Stephen sighed. He showed the woman at the entrance of the warehouse store his membership.

"When did you even get that?" Tony asked.

"As soon as I found out that we were responsible for feeding ourselves. You can buy things in huge portions here, which is great, seeing as there's eight of us."

"Always the responsible one," Bruce said. He grabbed the paper list of things they needed from his pocket. "Let's get the paper towel first."


"Don't think we need a pineapple, Clint." Bruce rolled his eyes at the sandy-haired boy beside him. 

"But they're so good!" He whined.

"Oh for the love of God," Bruce mumbled. "Put it back."


"What cereal does Thor like again?" Stephen asked Bruce as they walked down the aisle.

"Rice Krispies, I think." Bruce grabbed a family pack off the shelf.

"He's the only one who likes them, there's no need for such a big box." Stephen looked at the scientist in confusion.

"Yes, but this is Thor we're talking about. He eats like every meal is his last. Bruce laughed, gently placing the cardboard box in the cart as to not squish the eggs. 


"Gala is SO better." Tony crossed his arms.

"You're really wrong. Its definitely honey crisp." Clint argued.

"Even if that were to be true, they are infinitely more expensive, and Gala is local." Tony countered.

"When have you ever cared about the price? Your family is loaded."

"We pay for groceries with allowances from Fury and pay from some of our jobs, so that doesn't matter here!" Tony raised his voice, and an old woman in a green cardigan started to stare.

"Let's compromise and get Red Delicious." Stephen offered. It didn't matter to him, he didn't really love apples anyway.


The teens walked through a glowing, cracking portal wit their bags into the common room. 

"I thought you guys drove?" Natasha asked, putting her book on the coffee table.

"Yeah we did, but when we got home the garage was empty and these bags are heavy," Clint said, starting to unpack.

"Well, thanks for not making me come, at least."Natasha re-opened her book.


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