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Stephen was worried; Tony had hardly slept for the past three weeks. He was endlessly working on his suit. Everyday, there was another thing to build, another thing to fix. This had gone past the line from a fun hobby project into an unhealthy obsession ages ago.

"Tony?" Stephen asked softly.

"Hmm?" Tony chirped, a drawing compass between his white teeth.

"Please get some sleep? Tomorrow is Monday!"Stephen pleaded. Tony didn't even look up.

Fine. If Tony wasn't going to listen to him willingly, he was going to make him. Stephen motioned out his right hand, towards the focused inventor. The cloak left the sorcerer's back, and wrapped itself around Tony, picking him of the IKEA brand swivel chair.

"H-Hey! Put me down! Stephen, this isn't funny, I'm working!" Tony struggled against the relic, but eventually gave in. His strength was depleted by exhaustion. The cloak's soft fabric and lavender incense infused smell made Tony realize how tired he actually felt. The cloak had barely placed the chestnut haired boy on the bed when he was fast asleep. Stephen smiled. He won this one.


Thor looked out the window of the tall flat complex. It was snowing, again. He loved snow, but the others hated the hassle. Only Natasha seemed to share his love for the winter weather, for it reminded her of Russia. Bruce was making pop tarts, with the help of Loki, who had fallen in love with the toaster pastry. It was the only redeeming quality of earth, in his opinion. Wanda  was finishing some homework for biology at the counter. Stephen closed the book he was reading and checked the time. 7:30, where was Tony? He asked himself, they would be leaving for classes pretty soon. He got up from the couch and walked down the short hall to their dorm. He peeked inside, only to find Tony still curled up in bed, gripping the cloaks fabric like a blanket. He walked in to wake Tony.

"You know you're going to be late for Tech-ED 2 if you don't hurry up." Stephen said, climbing half up the ladder, far enough that his head and shoulders would be visible to the sleeping teenager.

"I'm up, I'm up." Tony said, sitting upright to look at The wizard at the foot of his bed. He smiled. 

"Well then, get a move on, sleeping beauty." Stephen teased, hopping of the ladder and leaving the dorm so Tony could change in privacy. Tony blushed.


Tony and Bruce had free period together, and they were using it to talk.

"Bruce, I..." Tony started, but Bruce interrupted.

"You like Stephen?" He asked.

"How'd you know?" Tony said, surprised.

"Tony, I've been shipping you since he was dropped of by the ancient one at Fury's tower. You practically swooned at him. And now? My hard work has payed off, and my ship has sailed." Bruce answered proudly.

"But do, you know, think he likes me back?" Tony asked his friend, blushing profusely. 

"Well, he cares a lot about you, and I do catch him staring sometimes."

"You do? How could you not tell me!" Tony raised his voice a bit.

"That would make it awkward, you would one hundred percent look back at him." Bruce knew his friend well.

"I would not." Tony protested.

Yes you would, sir. It's what you tend to do. Jarvis's mechanical voice added to the conversation.

"Thanks. Now my own AI agrees with you, Bruce." Tony said, annoyed. Bruce couldn't even answer, he was laughing to hard.


"Do you think it's possible that Tony might like me?" Stephen asked his cloak, sipping on some herbal tea. Lemon ginger, he had a sore throat. The relic was surprisingly good listener. "I really like him, but if I tell him that, and he doesn't feel the same way, it would be so weird to share a room with him for the rest of the year. It hadn't even been Christmas yet!

"What if I where to ask him to hang out, not on a date, just as friends, and see where it goes from there?" He asked the cloak for its opinion, knowing it could give no answer. "But where to? What about a cafe? Nah, to impersonal. A park? But it's winter, so that won't work." He kept listing dead end ideas, until the perfect idea hit him. "The mirror dimension! No one could bother us, it's fun, and I get to get in some practice! It's perfect! I'l  go ask him now! Thank you cloak!" Stephen said, running out to the library, where he knew Tony would be after classes on a Monday.


"Tony, do you have plans after classes on Wednesday?" He asked, slightly out of breath from running all the way there.

Tony was taken aback, did Bruce say something to Stephen? "Uhh, No!"

"Then do you want to hang out with me? You know, for fun." Stephen was trying and failing not to blush.

"Yes, Yes! I would love to!" Tony replied quickly.

"Il meet you in our dorm after class." Stephen said with a smile.


I hope you guys don't mind that this chapter was about twice as long. Most of them won't be like this, bit I felt like writing for some reason today. Hope you enjoyed!     -Isla

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