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Tony had been awake for the last hour, staring at the slates of the bunk above him. Stephen was still fast asleep, head on his chest and Tony didn't have the heart to wake him. It was the start of a four day weekend, and he deserved the sleep. They had all been awake packing and preparing for Wakanda, for both a visit and a meeting. Everyone, even all the adults, were having a meeting to discuss a plethora of subjects. One thing Tony knew was going to come up was how much information they had gathered on Mia. He was a bit nervous about this, as they had dug up nothing of real importance. They knew that she was gathering information, and they had a good idea that this was her father's doing. However, why she was doing it, how much information she had and how she was getting it was definitely up for debate. Tony didn't like to be seen as a failure, and he felt that he was on that track right about now. They had hit a roadblock on a road of critical importance. 

Tony's was broken out of his train of thought by Stephen rustling awake. Tony ran his finger along his cheek as a silent good morning of sorts.

"What time is it?"Stephen groggily asked. 

He checked his watch. "Half-past 7, we have ninety minutes before we have to go, about."

"Mm. Okay. We should get up then, shouldn't we." Stephen said, pulling himself out of bed. He cracked his back loudly. "You know, we should get a bigger bed if we're going to share every night."

"Yeah well, not much we can do here, but back at the tower we could probably do something." Tony agreed. It was quite cramped, sharing a twin bed. 


They were all on the plane. Wanda, Natasha and Clint were teaching Thor to play go fish. Loki was reading (per usual) and Carol, Bucky and Fury were discussing something boring. Tony got up from his seat to go find something to do.

He came across Bruce, Stephen and Steve having a conversation. 

"I guess you guys must be having a bottom meeting, huh." Tony teased.

Stephen scowled, Bruce blushed and Steve just looked confused. He didn't quite get the reference.

"Just sit down, Tony. No need to be childish." Stephen said.



Hey, everyone! I know it's been awhile and I'm sorry for the wait. I hate to blame things on my illnesses but I've been having a lot of executive dysfunction concerning this story since school started. However, now that I'm back into a routine, it should be more manageable. 


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