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It was only two weeks and three days until the dance, according to the countdown on the bulletin board. Next to that, a less exciting notice stated that parent-teacher meetings would be held in five days. This was posing a bit of an issue to the young Avengers, as not all of them had suitable "parents".

"So, what are we going to do?" Clint asked Fury over lunch at the tower. It was a three day weekend and the students were allowed to return home. 

"Plus, the other students are under the assumption that my dad isn't Howard Stark, and I'd like it to stay that way," Tony added.

"Don't worry. We worked it out," Carol said.

"Thor and Loki will have Frigga stop by briefly, but Odin's staying back in Asgard to rule.  Clint, your pretend mom is Carol, who is also Wandas' acting foster parent. Rogers and Barnes are coming over, Tony gets Barnes, and Bruce gets Rogers. Stephen, the Ancient One specifically asked to participate in these meetings as your guardian. Natasha is with me." Fury told each of them. "Got it? Good."

"Wait, Steve and Bucky are coming here? I thought they were on a honeymoon somewhere in Europe." Bruce asked. Their wedding was in March.

"Yes, but they're returning just for this, so be sure to thank them when they arrive later today." Carol looked at Bruce and Tony especially. 


That evening, everyone was hanging out in the living room watching Netflix when they heard the front door open.

"Hey, guys! Nice to be back." Steve walked in happily, all three travel bags held in one arm with ease. behind him came a very sleep deprived and jetlagged looking Bucky.

"Welcome back. How was your trip?" Stephen asked.

"Europe has changed a lot since the war. It's quite pretty there now." Steve answered.

"Tony, you wouldn't happen to have a small Pozidriv screwdriver, would you? Steve lost mine in Brussels and my wrist is falling lose." Bucky asked, glaring slightly at his husband for his carelessness. 

"Yeah, I'll go grab it." Tony went down the hall to his room. 


"Tony, why are you here this late?" Stephen sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"It's, like, 12:30. Suck it up." Tony teased him. "And we need to talk."

"I don't like the sound of that. Are you dying?" Stephen raised his eyebrows in worry.

"What? No! Why is that your go-to? You're a strange wizard." Tony shook his head.

"If you aren't in life-threatening danger, then why did you wake me?" Stephen asked sternly. 

"The dance? I thought we're going to talk about it here."

"Oh yes. I remember now. Should we tell people that we're a couple before the dance, or just go together and let them figure it out?" Stephen looked at Tony to see what he preferred.

"Or, we could just kiss in front of them. that would work too, you know." Tony smiled. 

Stephen ignored his contribution to the conversation and moved on. "I think we should just go to the dance. Its less awkward that way."

"Fine. I still think we should just kiss and get it over with."


It was the day of parent-teachers and everyone (including the "parents") Before they were to leave the flat, however, everyone was practicing their cover stories. 

"Mother, we are from Iceland, not Asgard. You are not the queen." Loki reminded Frigga. Frigga wasn't, however, paying much attention.

"You and Thor have grown so much since you last visited me and your father." She smiled. Loki just rolled his eyes.

"I better hear from all your professors that you are doing just as well in academics as you are in the mystic arts." The Ancient One warned Stephen. She looked very odd in normal clothes. 

"I study hard and pay attention to class," Stephen assured her.



"Tony is a brilliant student, with a lot of skill. He's getting perfect scores but can be a bit distracted in class sometimes." The math teacher Mme. Irwin told Bucky, who nodded.


"Natasha is great at Phs.Ed. She outranks many of the athletes even in higher grades." The gym coach told Fury.

"Good job, Natasha." Fury looked patted her shoulder very robotically. It wasn't a very convincing act of family bonds, but the coach didn't really notice.


"Loki and Thor are smart kids. Thor is a wonderful student in the class, but Loki can seem a bit withdrawn at times." Mr.Goulden told Frigga. She looked a bit disappointed, wich mad Loki feel bad; he didn't like letting down his mother.


"Stephen is an exceptional student. He always has his work in on time, and he puts in a lot of effort and drive. Although, he can sometimes be a bit chatty when he sits next to Anthony Stark." Stephen looked in fear at the Ancient One, who had narrowed her eyes at him. I'm sorry. He apologized feebly telepathically.


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