Lake Neds

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Bruce was practically skipping down the hall. Today was finally the day that they were going on a field trip to Lake Neds! He had his navy blue backpack looped over one shoulder, as that was how he found it comfortable. He stopped at Tony and Stephen's shared dorm, and knocked harshly on the wooden door.

"Come in." Tony knew it was Bruce, they had been planing what they were going to do on this trip since the day it was announced that they were going.

"Did you pack the extra food? You can bet the school isn't going to have the best selection available." Bruce looked over to Tony's small bag. 

"Oh don't worry, I'm going to bring those." Stephen patted the messenger bag on his shoulder.  He was just as excited as Tony and Bruce for today's 

"Then what are we waiting for?" Tony scrambled out the door.


Single file, the class got of the bus. The guide was showing them a map of where they were going. 

"Lots of hills, it seems." Clint groaned. He hated these kinds of things. He thought hiking was for crazy people and vegans, sometimes both.

"Why is this a pastime on earth? It seems dreadfully boring, just walking for six hours." Loki added cynically.

"I feel that we will have lots of fun together, brother!" Thor said, trapping Loki in a headlock and dragging him to the starting point. 


"Cracker?" Stephen offered Bruce and Tony. It was midway through the hike around lake Neds, and the three boys had separated from the rest of the group, trailing a bit behind.

"Oh thank god! I was starving." Tony took a handful of the saltine crackers from the box Stephen was holding out.

"Save some for me." Bruce took a couple crackers and pocketed them; nothing was safe from Tony when he was hungry. Luckily that was pretty rare.

Tony brushed his hand against Stephen's, just because. Stephen smiled and turned his head to look at him. 

"Whoa. Look at this view." An astonished Bruce stood still as he looked out at the lake and surrounding mountains. Tony and Stephen joined him, totally enveloped in the gorgeous scenery.

"You can see anything from here!" Tony exclaimed. Stephen was at a loss for words. The noon sun lit in the lakes waves like a thousand little stars. A gentle mist bordering the forest of tall redwoods and evergreens, with mountains ever so slightly capped in snow. It was beautiful.

Tony reached out his right hand, and took Stephen's . The sorcerer looked down at his hand, then up at Tony. They shared a smile and looked back at the water. Hand still in hand.


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