A Formal Invitation

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It had been raining for days now, and the weather was getting at everyone's mood. The TV was playing, though no one was paying any attention to it, some BBC documentary about strange islands that Stephen put on. 

Thor walked into the common room from the hall. His long blond hair was soaked, so he must have just come home. In his hand, he had a damp piece of paper, neatly folded.  

"What's that, Thor?" Tony inquired. He was desperate for something to snap him out of boredom. 

"Mail. Do you know where Lokes is located?" Thor asked as he handed Tony the sheet of paper.

"In his dorm," Stephen answered confidently. Thor nodded in thanks and turned his heel.

Tony tore open the letter in his hands, not even bothering to find the letter knife. It was from the school and was, therefore, an announcement or newsletter. 

"There is going to be a formal on the 19th," Tony told the room, causing mixed reactions.

Nat groaned, she hated dressing up. Wanda, however, was exited. Clint rolled his eyes, but then raised an eyebrow at Natasha, who replied with a shrug. Stephen looked at Tony, wide-eyed, Tony returning his gaze. Bruce looked between the two and grinned.


It was late that night and Stephen and Tony were talking quietly in their dorm room.

"I've never been to a formal. I don't even have a tux." Stephen exclaimed, worrying about where he'd find the money for a nice suit.

"I have loads at home. I could lend you one and have it taken in and the hem dropped couple inches. You would look so hot in that William Westmancott suit." Tony looked at Stephen, who was blushing furiously. 

"Aww, you're so shy, babe. I can't wait to show you off at the formal." Tony said with a smile.

"Wait, would we go together?" Stephen was unsure of how people would react to their relationship.

"Yeah, if it's okay with you. I'm kind of tired of keeping it a secret. I love you, why can't other people know?" Tony laced his fingers gently through Stephens' hands.

"What if they respond weirdly?"

"Everyone is fine with Steve and Bucky." Tony pointed out.


Tony laid down beside Stephen on the lower bunk. Even if the beds were only doubles, they still slept next to each other.

"We can worry about all the details in the morning." Tony let his voice trail off at the end. He traced his index finger along the ridge of Stephens' cheekbone and down to the corner of his lips. Stephens' face was still flushed a delicate pink. There was nothing but pure euphoria running though Stephen when Tony kissed him. He agreed with Tony now, he couldn't hide their relationship any longer, and he didn't want to, either.

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