Sick Day

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For Tony, it was no sleep or sleep until noon, no in-betweens. Today was no exception, he woke up at 1:28, according to his watch. The only thing that was different this afternoon, was that Stephen was still asleep beside him. Alarms went off in Tony's head when he noticed the wizard. He was never still in bed past seven, Stephen was quite the early bird.

"Babe, why aren't you awake? It's past noon." Tony asked quietly, nudging Stephens' arm. It felt warmer than usual. 

With worry, Tony placed the back of his hand on Stephens' pale forehead. 

Damn, he's burning up. He thought, anxiety only growing. "Stephen, get up." Tony shook him more forcefully this time.

Finally, Stephen stirred. He groaned lightly. He was obviously pretty sick. 

"Tony, I don't feel well."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock. You're burning up. You stay here, I'll grab some Tylenol." Tony said, a comforting hand on Stephens' shoulder.

"I don't like the grape flavour," Stephen told him feverishly. 


Tony was on the phone with the Ancient One, seeing as Stephen was really not doing well.

"I thought you guys had healing powers or something?" Tony asked.

"We can't remedy everything. Anyway, Stephen still isn't that experienced, so he's extra vulnerable to normal ailments." The Ancient One answered.

"Well, is there anything else we should watch out for?"

"By what you've told me, it isn't anything to do with mystic arts, nor is it his astral projection. It's probably just a normal fever." She reassured Tony

"Thanks." Tony hung up.

He went back into the dorm from the hall. While he was making the phone call, Bruce had stayed with Stephen. 

"What's his temperature now?"

"39.7 celsius. It's a little high, even for a fever, so if it rises anymore I think you should consider taking him to the ER." Bruce said quietly.

"I-I'm fine," Stephen mumbled. "Let's just watch a movie and I'll be ready to go to class."

"Stephen, Its Saturday, so there are no classes." Tony sat beside Stephen.

"No, you're lying. We h-have math." Stephen whimpered and started crying.

Tony and Bruce just looked at each other. How could they reason with a confused, sick Stephen?

"It's okay. Calm down." Tony ran his fingers through Stephens' hair, who abruptly fell asleep.


"His fever has come down just enough that he isn't talking nonsense anymore," Tony told the rest of the group, who were hanging out in the common room. 

"Thats good." Wanda nodded, relieved.

"I found Mia's moms' Facebook page," Natasha said, looking up from her laptop.

"Stephens' health, your weird stalk project. Beautiful transition, Nat." Teased Clint. Natasha scowled.

"We have nothing to do other than wait, so I found something to occupy myself."

"Well, you wouldn't be telling us unless you found something pertinent." Bruce looked at Natasha.

"I know why shes always following us around. Her dad is one of those anti-hero protestors that give Carol and Steve a hard time."

"Oh, I hate those conspiracy theorists. Remember when one of those dudes got his hands on a SHIELD report? That chaos took Fury months to clean up." Tony rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Well, I'm guessing Mias' might be a little on to us. We should take extra precautions." Nat warned.

"Will do." 


"Do you need water?" Tony wondered.

"Nah, I think I'm good." Stephen was doing a bit better. His fever hadn't broken yet, but it had gone down.

"Okay. We found out stuff about Mia while you were napping. Apparently, her father is all wrapped up in those people who lie about Carol, Steve, Bucky and Fury. Like those people who got ahold of that SHIELD document."

"Oh. I never thought her family would be apart of something like that."

"Yeah, I thought she was just an asshole in her own right." Tony laughed.

Stephen winced.

"You okay?" Tony got up quickly, ready to get anything he needed.

"I'm fine, It's just a little headache, nothing to worry about."

"Steph"-Don't call me that!-"Alright, Stephen, you worry about me all the time. Why can't I worry about you? I love you, I should be allowed to want to help you." Tony pleaded.

"I don't want to be a burden, that's all."

"But you're not. I know you hate being the center of attention, but when you need it, you can't not ask for it. You were really sick today, we almost took you to the ER!"

"Really? I was pretty out of it, huh."

"At yet you stayed cute the entire time. Except when I had to give you medicine. You were a dick to me and Bruce. It was like trying to coak a wall to move." Tony laughed.

"Grape is just so disgusting!" Stephen exclaimed.

"Nah, you just wanted to be mean."Tony joked.


I finally got around to posting! Yay for me for getting my shit together! -Isla

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