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"See you tomorrow!" Stephen hugged Tony goodbye and stepped into the portal. He was going to Kamar-Taj for another brush-up. 


Welp. I guess I'm alone tonight. Tony thought, looking around his room. 

Since he had nothing else of importance to do, he made a snack.


Tony also had grown used to going to bed at a reasonable time, much do his dismay. By this point Tony felt tired at about midnight, so he went to bed. He was almost asleep when he heard a soft moan from the dorm next door.

What the fuck is happening in Bruce and Thor's Dorm? Oooh. As a wave of realization came over him, he had to stifle a laugh.

It was funny at first, but then Tony couldn't sleep. Just as he would drift off...

~oaaaAAAH!~ ((Really sorry, I can't really write onomatopoeias ;-;))

"Oh for fuCKS SAKE."


Early that morning, Tony sat in the common room, huge coffee mug in his hands. He was up before even Wanda, who was usually up at the latest by six.

"Tony? You were the last person I would have expected awake at this hour!" She exclaimed.

"Last person I would have expected as well." He said, his voice lilted and tired.

Wanda shrugged this strange situation off and went to pour herself some tea.

"I've only seen you, Stephen or Loki drink that stuff. It seems the wizards are the only ones to drink tea." Tony noticed. "The rest of us drink coffee, like normal people."

"You're calling Thor normal?" Wanda asked.

"He's the exception."


Tony sat at the edge of the top bunk leaving his legs hanging. He was finishing a paper that was due tomorrow, and that in retrospect he really should have started a week ago. At least it was just social studies, which were easy.

He heard a rap at the door. He called out that it was open, and Bruce walked in. Remembering the events of last night, Tony could barely keep a straight face.

"Just wanted you to know that Stephen told us he'll be home soon," Bruce told him.

"Thanks, Bruce," Tony said with a small giggle.


"Nothing, carry on."

Bruce gave him a weird look and left. As soon as the door clicked closed, Tony erupted into laughter. 


Sorry that this is really short. It's too hot to write. -Isla

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