Exciting News

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"Hey, is it mail day?" Clint asked, looking at the photo calendar. The theme was goats, at Thor's request.

"I believe so. Tony, want to walk down to the mail room with me." Stephen asked. Tony nodded and got up from the breakfast stool he was sitting in. 

The mail room was on the bottom floor, and with the elevator was broken, so they had a bit of a walk ahead of them. Stephen nor Tony minded, however. They liked having a reason to talk alone. 

"Hey, can I copy your maths assignment?" Tony popped the question casually. 

"You are a genius. That is the one, SINGLE reason you are on this team. How do you need to plagiarise me? How?" Stephen threw his arms up in exasperation. 

"You know we have to show our work. You also know I hate doing that. Just please?" Tony tilted his head and looked at Stephen.

"Fine," Stephen stated blankly, his voiced laced with irritation.


When they got to the mail room, it was unusually empty. Though it was Wednesday, and a lot of students had classes. The boys opened the box that corresponded with their flat. Tony grabbed the pile of envelopes and flicked through them with his thumb. He let out out small breath of surprise as he landed on a linen based creme letter.

"What is it?" Stephen inquired as his gaze drifted to the unusual envelope Tony was holding.

"It's from T'Challa. I don't understand, why wouldn't he just message us in an email or through Fury or something?" Tony told Stephen as he read the black ink inscription on the front.

"Its very fancy stationary, maybe its a special occasion." Stephen offered as he pulled a silver letter knife seemingly out of thin air. "Let's open it and find out."


Suddenly a portal opened in the middle of the living room of the flat, startling everyone.

"Guys guys guys guess what!" Tony squealed like a small child as he hopped out of the portal. He gripped the letter tightly.

"A mission?" Natasha perked up.

"No. T'Challa is gonna have a sister soon!"

"Aw cool." Clint liked T'Challa's family and was excited.

"They want us to come down to visit in the summer, by then she'll have arrived!"

Natasha slouched back down, a little disappointed that they weren't doing anything. Bruce, on the contrary, was over the moon. He quite liked babies, for some reason. Plus, any excuse to visit Wakanda and he would take it. It was so interesting there.


"So a baby is some exciting news." Stephen was getting ready for bed and striking up a conversation with Tony. 

"Yeah. I hate my older brother, but I bet T'Challa won't be as much of a jackass as Greg was." Tony looked at Stephen. "You have a brother and sister, don't you?"

"Yeah, I'm the oldest of three." Stephen nodded.

"Welp. I'm going to be working all night, but I'll keep the lamp low, for you." Tony grabbed his pen and sat at the desk by the window.

"How considerate." Stephen joked, kissing the top of Tonys' head before rolling into bed.


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