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___/Thor and Lokis' story/___

It was a brisk morning on campus, the grass still damp with dew. Thor was fine in his rugby team sweater, the one they all got at provincials, but Loki tended to run cold and was quite bundled up. The Asgardian brothers were heading back from the convenience store where they were picking up milk. A boy with light brown shoulder-length hair turned onto the path. Thor recognized him immediately as Thomas from his biology course and waved at him. Thomas joined the two, as he was going the same way anyway.

"Who's the emo one?" Thomas gestured towards Loki, whom he had never met before.

"This is Loki, my brother." Thor nudged Loki hard on the back with his elbow, causing him to trip.

Thomas looked from Loki to Thor, then back to Loki again. He saw no resemblance.

"I have no blood relation to this oaf. I'm adopted." Loki clarified, glaring at Thor for pushing him so forcefully. Thomas laughed.

"Even if you two aren't related, you sure talk the same."

Loki just rolled his eyes.

___/Clints' Story/___

Clint unlocked his locker in a hurry. He didn't want to be late. Clint didn't care for classes all that much; he wasn't good at them. What he did love about St.Vista, though, was the competitive archery team. He was easily the best, and he even had a trophy in the school plaque room. He grabbed his bag and ran down the linoleum halls.

Clint pushed opened the heavy wooden door to the atrium where the range was located.

"There you are! You have to start showing up a bit earlier." Their coach Rose told the panting boy.

"Sorry, ma'am." Clint apologized, a sheepish grin on his face. He went to grab his stuff.


Clint and his teammate Sara walked back from archery. They were headed to the Tim Hortons by lakeside st.

"Imma get a tea, I think," Sara told Clint as they waited in line behind a balding man holding a briefcase.

"You're just like Stephen," Clint told the girl beside him. "He loves tea."

"That weird tall dude whos always in the library? I sit next to him in math, and he's smart. I've copied off him once or twice." Sara admitted, playing with her long box braids.

"Same. I'm pretty sure anyone who has ever sat by him has." he laughed.

Sara looked at the menu. "Wait, they have poutine? That gives me an idea." Sara grabbed Clint's wrist and ran out of the cafe before they had even ordered.

"Have you tried poutine yet?"


"Oh god, you have to! Not from a big chain like Timmys', but a truly Canadian experience." Sara rambled, her French-Canadian accent making it hard for Clint to understand.

The girl pulled Clint around a corner. There, a small retro food truck was parked by the boardwalk. The menu was in French, so Clint didn't have a clue what it said.

"Sara, ma fille. Que veux tu pour toi et ton ami?" The man in the food truck spoke to Sara in rapid French. Clint guessed from the tone that they knew each other, and well.

"Il s'appelle Clint. Il est devenu des Etats Unis et a jamais manger du cuisine Quebequois."

Clint stood in beside his friend, kicking at the pavement awkwardly. They might as well have been speaking cursive. Clint new not a single word of French, other than Bonjour.

Sara brought Clint a paper bowl of fries, topped with gravy and white cheese curds. He recoiled slightly, he didn't really like the look of it. Sara pursed her lips, then told him to get over himself and try it, so he did.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh. Wow." Clint loved it. It was the best thing he ever tried, hands down.

___/Natasha and Wandas' Story/___

Natasha walked down the hall of the flat. She was watching Brooklyn nine nine on Netflix. It was one of the only shows that she would ever watch. Natasha thought tv was a waste of valuable training time. She was done training for the day, however, and she let herself have this. Also, she quite liked Rosa as a character.

"What on earth are you doing, still in your pyjamas? We have plans?" Wanda looked at Nat, arms crossed.

"Damn it. That's right, but do I have to?" She begged.

"You agreed to go last Saturday. You can't duck out now," replied Wanda smugly.

Natasha groaned, but she was a woman of her word, and she went to get dressed.


"I hate the mall," Nat grumbled, looking out the window of the car. Wanda was driving.

"You need spring clothes, it is finally starting to warm up. I want a new cardigan, and Bruce broke his reading lamp." Wanda explained why they needed to go.

"Fine." Natasha rolled her eyes as she stepped out of the car and into the parking lot.


"These look so cute on you. Please get a pair." Wanda begged Natasha, referring to the high waisted leggings Natasha was currently trying on.

"I guess, they seem comfy." She agreed.

When Wanda had finally finished buying everything, with Nat trailing behind her, the girls headed home.

___/Bruces' Story/___

Bruce sat in the library, reading a book from the chemistry section. He was trying to figure out a solution to the problem with his polymer. It seemed like the answer was lost somewhere in Asgard for all Bruce new, but it wasn't where he needed it to be, in this book.

Bruce checked the time, it was getting late. He replaced the book back on the shelf and started walking back to the flat.

Along the gravel pathway, Bruce heard a soft rustle behind him, making him stop dead. He turned around. It was a small, grey robin. Nothing to worry about.

___/Tony and Stephens' story/___

Tony and Stephen sat next to each other on the lower bed, which was Stephens. They were reading, For Tony, an old Archie comic, and for Stephen some Jane Austen.

Tony got bored with silence.

"So Steph, I-"

"Don't call me that." Stephen interrupted.

"But can't I call you a nickname? We've been together for months now!" Tony exclaimed, confused.

"That's not a nickname, its an abbreviation of my name, and I don't like it. My name is only two syllables. I think you can handle it."

"You call me by a shorter name." Tony pointed out.

"Yes, because you prefer it that way. I, however, do not."

"You are so strange. You really live up to your name, don't you?" Tony teased. He took the novel out of Stephens' hands, much to the surprise of the wizard. Before he could object, however, Tony kissed him softly on the lips. Stephen blushed.


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