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There were no classes today, seeing as there was a huge blizzard outside. Stephen and Tony were hanging out in their dorm, sitting on their beds. Tony was watching Netflix, bundled under about five blankets, the dorm was really cold. Stephen, on the other hand, had the cloak to keep him warm. The relics fabric was great at keeping the draft out. Stephen was studying some of the spells that the ancient one had told him about in her last letter. He had been at it for awhile, and decided to take a break.

"What are you watching?" He asked Tony as he floated over to his dresser on the other side of the room. 

"Riverdale. Jughead's sister Jellybean has just been kidnapped by the Gargoyles." Tony replied, totally involved in the drama he was watching.

"What kind of names are Jughead and Jellybean? Riverdale seems like a waste of time if you ask me." 

"Well, I didn't. What would you suggest I watch other than that, oh movie critic of the highest order, sir." Tony mocked.

"Something educational. BBC's has some good documentaries." Stephen replied, brewing some chamomile tea.

"Yeah, that or the wrong Sherlock. Yeah, I heard you last night." Tony teased Stephen. In Tony's mind, the only good Sherlock were the movies from Warner Bro. "The BBC version is for 14 year old girls."

Stephen blushed, but decided to take a stance. 

"The BBC one is quite good, actually. The writing is pretty fantasti-"He began, but Tony wouldn't let Stephen finish.

"It only has like, three episodes a year!"

"At least they took an original point of view!"

"What, taking a classic and making it modern? Hardly the fresh new idea."

"Guys, we can hear you down the hall." Clint walked in. "Calm down."

"He thinks that BBC's poor excuse for a remake could ever over shine the masterpiece that is Sherlock Holmes, from Warner." Tony turned to look at Stephen.

"Masterpiece, quite the big vocabulary from someone who thinks that some movies could ever be better than the amazing series of Sherlock." Stephen glared.

"Jesus, you two fight like you're a couple." Clint said, turning on his heel to rejoin the others. He closed the door behind him.

The wizard glared at Tony, the height difference quite noticeable here. The two stood in silence for a few seconds, then burst out laughing, realizing how childish they were being.

"Sorry, sorry. I should not have yelled." apologized Stephen, still in laughter.

"Nononono, its fine. I'm sorry too." Tony wheezed.


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