A Plan

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Now that the team had a brief idea of why Mia was following them, all they had to do was make her stop. Easier said than done, however. Carol, Steve and Bucky had flown out to spend the week staying in a nearby hotel. They were sent by Fury to help the group, but he couldn't join them due to SHIELD work. They met up at a Tim Hortons to talk about a plan. 

"Do you think her dad has anything to do with her stalking you directly, or if she's just going under his influence?" Carol asked. She wanted to get a good profile on this girl before she did anything else.

"I think it may have started just out of curiosity, but she's much more devoted to watching us now. My best guess is that her father has a hand to play in it." Natasha hypothesized. With all her training, Natasha had become one of the most vigilant of the group. It was always her who noticed Mia first.

"Yeah, the first time Stephen and I met Mia, she seemed nice enough. I don't think she was faking, but she left under very weird circumstances, now that I think about it." Tony added.

"Where is Stephen, anyway?" Bucky asked. He liked Stephen. 

"He's still pretty sick, so he stayed home with Bruce," Tony told him.

"Has anyone in particular been targeted?" Steve wondered.

"Wanda, weirdly enough. And Stephen." Clint said.

"Loki as well," Thor added. 

"So it seems Mia has an idea on who has magic on their side," Steve said.

"In Stephens case, mystic arts." Tony corrected Steve.

"Doesn't matter." Steve brushed him off.

"If Stephen was here, he'd correct you."

"Well he's not, is he?" 

"Guys stop, can't you two be civil for once?" Natasha was tired of their bullshit bickering. 

"The closest they ever get to civility would be a war." Clint teased. 

"Anyway, back to the subject," Wanda said. "How on earth does she know Loki, Stephen and I all have magic?"

"Mystic arts."

"Shut up."

"Stephen always makes sure that if he uses a portal, he ends up in an alley or a basement. There are never people around." Tony attested.

"I only once accidentally used magic in front of someone, but it was only one person and I made them forget it," Wanda told them.

"Was it Mia?"

"No, they were a boy named Jacob."

"What about you, Loki?" Carol asked.

"Pardon? I wasn't listening."

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Have you ever been caught using magic before?"

"No, but I came close to stabbing one of the grade eights one time. They annoy me."

"I don't even want to know that story."

"Well, that doesn't explain how she seems to know whos magical," Bucky exclaimed.

"And it's not like she could here any of us practicing, shes directly across the complex. You  can see her window from our common room." Wanda added. 


"So you have no idea how she could know about you?"

"Like I said Tony, I honestly don't know!" Stephen was at a lost. Mia had never seen a spell other than him cleaning his cloak that one time. She had never seen him enter or exit a portal. Hell, Mia had never even met the Ancient One!

"Anyway, let's get to bed. I'm really tired." Stephen said.

"How? You have been in bed literally all day!" Tony exclaimed.

"I'm sick. You can't get mad at a sick person, that's just rude."Stephen said jokingly.

"Fine." Tony gave up and joined Stephen on the bottom bunk.


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