Fruit Patterns

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Tony got home from his trip to staples. They needed new printer paper and ink. He had come home to only Stephen, for everyone else was out.

"I got something cool." He exclaimed, a hand reaching into the plastic bag. He grabbed a pack of ballpoints.

"Look at how cute these pens are!"

"We have an abundance of pens already." Stephen sighed.

"Yes, but these have little fruit patterns!"

"What will you even use them for?" 

Tony looked at him weirdly. "Why would I use them? They're for display."

"Oh, obviously. Silly me." Stephen replied sarcastically.


"GUYS GUYS GUYS GUESS WHAT!!!" Tony ran into the common room all excited.

"Is someone dead?" Loki asked.

"No. Stop making everything less fun, Loki." Tony glared. "What happened is that T'Challas' sister was born!"

"Cool! What's her name going to be?" Wanda asked.

"Shuri. They want us to come down and visit this weekend!" Tony read.

"Can't wait," Clint said.


"What should I wear? A suit maybe, or something soft?" Tony was searching through his closet.

"You're meeting a baby, not an ambassador," Bruce reminded him.

"But its a royal baby."

"The royal baby sister of a friend, who's parents are close with Fury. It'll be fine."


They walked off of the plane, to be greeted by T'Challa and Okoye. They had ecstatic looks on their faces, even Okoye.

"Welcome! Come meet Shuri!" T'Challa broke into a jog, motioning everyone to follow.


"Oh, she's precious, your highness," Stephen told the queen as he held the sleeping child.

Oh, we will be needing one of those in the future. Tony thought as he took in the scene of his boyfriend cooing over the small girl.

"You excited to be a big brother, T'Challa?" Clint asked.

"Very much so. I hope we can grow up close." T'Challa answered. "Except when it comes to girl stuff. Then Okoye will need to step in." He added jokingly.

"She seems so smart." Natasha complimented.

"Oh, she is going to be a bright one." The king smiled.

"Definitely," T'Challa added thoughtfully.


Sorry that this chapter is so short. I'm tired :/ -Isla

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