Dorm checks

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Tony laid beside Stephen, their faces only millimeters apart.

"God, you're so beautiful, you know that?" Tony whispered, making his lovers' face turn a glowing red.

Tony caressed the wizards cheek, first at the temple, ending at the base of his chin.

"I love you." Tony said, biting his lip. Stephen was taken aback. "What?" Tony asked.

"I-It's just you've never said that before." The wizard stumbled over his words, flustered with emotion.

"Well, it's true." Tony kissed him. Lightly at first, but growing in intensity.

Stephen ran his hand down to Tony's waist. 

"Hey Ton- OH FRICK" Bruce had popped in unannounced, spooking Stephen so much he fell off the bed. Tony's face grew hot with embarrassment.

"Shit shit shit. Sorry!" Bruce apologized, cringing at his own poor timing.

"Nah, it's fine." Tony got up, straightening out his shirt. He looked over at the fallen Strange. He had hit his forehead on the bedside table, and it was bleeding.

"Throw me some gauze, would you Tony? It should be in the medicine cabinet." Stephen looked at his hand he had been using to cover his wound. It was streaked with bright crimson blood.

"Sorry again, Stephen." 

"I'll be okay."

Tony tossed a sealed packet of sterile gauze. Stephen fumbled it and barely caught it.

"So anyway. You had a reason for coming here, I'm assuming?" Tony fixed his gaze on his friend standing at the doorway.

"Oh yeah. Dorm check is in a couple of hours. We're supposed to be cleaning." Bruce answered. "Or in this flats case, hiding weird stuff like weapons."

"I have a feeling Natasha's having a hard time in that department." Tony joked.

"She said she only brought a fraction of what she had at Fury's, but it still looks like an armoury in there," Bruce nodded.

"I can help conceal things." Stephen offered, his hand still applying pressure to the gauze on his forehead. 

"That would be useful, thanks." Bruce smiles.

"Not a problem."


An old, liver spotted man knocked sharply at the door of the flat. The had on a blazer with the school emblem on the breast pocket. Thor let him in. 

"Inspection time!" He cackled, his voice huffy and cross.

"Right this way." Wanda ran to greet the man before Thor did something stupid.


The ancient, withered man came to Tony and Stephen's dorm.

"Everything looks fine." He mumbled to himself, using his pen to tap around and open things. "But what's that?" He pointed over at a small robotic thing on Tony's desk.

"It's simply a science project, sir. I meant to clean it up." Tony hastily covered it up.

"Well then. Moving on." The inspector turned his back to the table, a little suspicious.

Stephen looked at him with eyes that read "How could you leave that out, Tony? I thought I told you to put all that away!"

Tony responded with a small shrug and an expression of forgetfulness. Stephen rolled his eyes.


It was hours after the man had left, all had been found clear. Tony and Stephen were again laying in bed together, watching tv on Tony's laptop. He closed it without even pausing the show they were watching, but Stephen didn't mind.

"Let's get back to where we left off, before we were so rudely interrupted?" Tony smirked. A faint shade of red blushed over his partners face.

"Of course."


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