Chapter XXV (25)

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I walk to the stable out in the field. It's been a while since I've seen it. I trudge through the hay stacks and enter the stable. I see at least eight horses sticking their heads out, and I smile at each one. One of the workers walked with me.

"Now, Ally, you have to feed the foals four to six times per day with at least four pints, no less than eight pints, of milk," he instructed. "If anything goes wrong, holler my name. I'm over at the cattle station."

I nod my head, and he leaves me alone. I cough quietly and cover my nose. The smell of horses' dumpings enter my nose. I walk to the very end where the baby horses are. I open the gate and grab the baby bottle on the nearby wooden table. I bent down and sat beside one of the foals. It rested peacefully with its eyes open. It was too cute.

"Hi," I spoke to it. "I'm Ally. I'll be your feeder for the day and for the next couple of days." I rub its hair, and it neighs quietly. "You are so cute," I mumble.

I adjust the bottle in my hand and hold it against its mouth. It takes the nipple at first, but then spit it out. "Come on," I said. "You can do it."

I try once more. I held the bottle in its mouth, and it shakes the nipple away from him. He rolls the other way, and I sigh heavily.

I hear a chuckle behind me. I turn around and see Liam behind the gate. His arms rest on the gate with his head resting on his arms. "You're having trouble?" he questions, raising a brow.

I nod my head. "A little," I answer.

He opens the gate and kneels down beside me. He caresses the foal softly and speaks to it, "Hey, little buddy." He holds out his hand in front of me, and I hand him the bottle. He holds the bottle in its mouth, and immediately, it spit it out before it begins to drink from it.

I chuckle lightly and watch as it drinks. Liam and I exchange a look, and he continues to hold the bottle for him. "There," he says, "Isn't that so easy?"

I tilt my head and furrow at him. "Don't start to be cocky," I said.

He raises his free hand in defense. "I'm not being cocky," he says. I give a 'really?' look. He nods and shrugs slightly. "Okay, maybe a tad bit."

"See," I state. I look at the foal and coo. "It is so cute."

"It's a he," Liam corrects.

"What's his name?" I ask.

Liam shrugs. He looks at me and asks, "What do you want to call him?"

I look the foal and thought. "Max. Maximus."

"Alright," Liam says. "He is Maximus now." He shifts to Max. "He's our Max."

I smile at how he said our. My heart begins to race faster, and my stomach begins to flutter with butterflies. I scoot back a little. My heart beat and the butterflies slow down. I catch my breath.

Liam looks at me, puzzled. "Come," He gesture his head for me to feed Max.

I nod my head. I reach my hand over. He grabs the bottle and places it in my hands. Before I know it, I was feeding Max. His eyes looked up at me, and I coo. His dark eyes were beautiful.

"Look at the way he's looking at you," Liam points out. "Now, that's cute right there." The crinkles in his eyes appear, and they were adorable.

"Cute," I comment. Liam's eyes meet mine, and I panicked. Did I really just called him cute? No. It was his crinkles. No. I should just lie. I hate my eyes and shift them back to Max. "You're right. He's cute," I clarify.

We stayed in the moment for a while before we finished feeding him. We stand up and feed the rest of the foals, separately. I brought up the idea, and he hesitantly agreed.

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