Chapter 4

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It had been damn near a week and Iman was treating me like I was a one-night stand, hit and run, or a pity date. I tried to give her time to reach out to me, but I couldn't take it anymore. I go to the gym directly after I leave work, so I took a shower at the gym and slid some chill clothes on to pull up on her. I was hesitant at first, but if I knew her like I thought I did, it was a Thursday night so she was probably whipping something up and watching tv.

I took a deep breath as I pulled into her driveway, I quietly got out of my car so I could catch her off guard. As I rung the doorbell I heard her laughing and the tv was on in her background. Wow, I knew her so perfectly, little did she know, I was interested in marrying her as well. She opened the door slowly as I watched her let her guard down holding that small ass gun. She stood there with a fitted wife beater on braless with a pair of Calvin Klein men briefs on. As bad as I wanted to pin her against the wall and kiss her, I simply stepped in when she stepped aside allowing me into her home.

"I've been calling, I've been texting, I tried to be patient. I miss you and before you tell me you're embarrassed or scared, allow me to talk. We're both grown and articulate well enough to express our feelings. So here it goes... I like you, hell I love you. Better yet, I'm IN LOVE with you. I know we can't stand at the alter tomorrow, but I'm ready to build. You accept me for me and that's always been hard for other women. We share a lot of the same passions and I can take you to church, the strip club, a gala, my Mama house, and the hood and you adapt. You're everything I need and want. Let's make this work." I said looking into her eyes.

She took a step back and let out a silent cry while smiling softly, almost as if I'd relieved her of expressing herself to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me, this would be the beginning of something wonderful... I hope.

We ate dinner and discussed our days and I got up to leave. When I first told her that I was going to get going she said okay, but as I slipped on my shoes she became apprehensive.

"Stay. I just want you next to me. I sleep here every night alone and having you here would give me a sense of security for one night... please." she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Baby you don't ever have to say please, let's go to bed." I said with a smile. I was cheesing hard as hell in the inside, but I didn't want to seem too creepy.

When I got to her room, I looked around and smiled. As long as we'd known each other, I'd never been into her bedroom. It was one of a woman who took pride in how she carried herself in public and private. The majority of her room was white and everything was spic and span. Attempting to be a gentleman, I slid into bed with all of my clothes on. She nervously said "Can you take your clothes off? I'm not trying to make a pass at you, but I'd hate to get my bed sheets dirty.". I didn't even reply, I quickly removed my clothes and apparently while my back was turned she removed hers as well.

I laid behind this chocolate woman thinking of how I'd be delighted to lay next to her for the rest of my life. She was the definition of big fine. Imagine having a woman with large breast strutting around the house braless and her breast barely sag. She had an ass that could feed a village and a face that would keep her looking 21 for the next 15 years.

"Nick are you up?" she asked while I laid there thinking. "Yes babe, wassup?" I responded. "Make me feel good.... Silently." she whispered into my ear damn near licking it. I said NOTHING back.

I pulled her closer kissing her lips, tasting an almond flavor as I proceeded slowly suck on her lips and grip as much of her ass as my hand could. I slid my other hand between her thighs and simply rubbed it up and down, knowing that it would only turn her own more. I slowly eased two fingers into her tight, wet, pink, pleasantly plump kitty feeling that she was completely shaved and soaked.

She let out a soft moan as I played with her pearl and penetrated her womanhood with my fingers. Suddenly she moved my hand, pushed me back on to the bed and damn near ripped my briefs off. I was expecting her to tell me to fuck her, but instead she took my entire shaft into her wet, salivating mouth and began to suck my soul out of my body and make it float right above me. Wow, this is going to be a long night. 

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