Chapter 21

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7 months later

The day Summer came home, I decided to create distance between Brent and me. I felt really bad, because I didn't want to seem like I was using him, but I needed to be with my child and bond. There's nothing more heartbreaking than visiting your baby for 2 months in the hospital, not even being able to hold her sometimes.

I decided to take a year off from teaching school, but I had a nice savings and had income from my books and public speaking engagements, so I never missed a beat. My parents had been coming over more than ever and helped me a lot. Nick and I were cordial and followed court orders. He got Summer every other weekend and every other holiday.

He was a sorry excuse for a partner, but an awesome father. My baby's eyes lit up when she saw him, which made me happy. He was still consistently trying to get me back and I was consistently turning him down.

Although Jo was his mistress, I didn't completely cross her out of my life. I still helped when she needed me to, but I created a distance. I know it hurt her, but that's just how life goes.

Today was Nick's birthday and although it wasn't his weekend, I told him he could come by and see Summer. I was meeting up with Brent later for dinner, so I let him come in the morning which was against my usual between 12 and 5 rules.

He pulled up around 9 A.M. without calling which pissed me off, but it was his birthday so I decided not to trip.

"Happy Birthday dude." I said as I opened the door and turned to walk away.

"Wait, can I get a hug? I know I'm a fuck up, but I'm good enough for that right?" Nick said with a smile.

I can't lie. He was looking good as hell. Fresh temp fade, grey Ralph Lauren jogging suit, low top white ones and his cologne was to die for.

Without saying a word, I turned around and embraced him disregarding the wall I wanted to have up.

Since I had Summer I had lost a lot of weight, because I decided to breast feed. She had me thick in all the right places, but being that I was now someone's mother, I rarely showcased my curves.

Because it was so early I had yet to get dressed, so there I was standing face to face with a man that I'd just realized I never stopped loving, with black spandex Nike running shorts on, a way too small crop top that exposed my breast if I moved around too much and the body of a goddess.

When I began to walk away to wake Summer up, he grabbed me.

"Where you going? Let her sleep. I'm in no rush." He said with a slick smile on his face.

I missed him. I missed him more than he could ever understand. Suddenly everything I felt for him started rushing back. My stomach became filled with butterflies and I could barely look him in his eyes without blushing. Directly after those feelings though, I started to feel the betrayal, the loneliness, regret, and anger that he'd inflicted on me.

"Fine, I won't wake her up. You can sit down here while I get dressed." I said as I began to walk up the stairs.

Man, I needed to stay away from him. I was going to give in soon and I didn't need that. 

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