Chapter 27

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7 Months Later

"Summer, please cooperate, let's go see Mommy baby." I said dressing my stubborn toddler.

After the attack, Iman was put into a coma. The doctors initially told her parents and I that she wouldn't ever live a quality life and we should consider pulling the plug. Her parents thought about it, but I fought for multiple reasons. One being that Summer wouldn't get to experience the beautiful person that her Mother is if we give up.

Brent went to prison and was sentenced to 25 years. If Iman died, his charges would be upgraded, and he'd do life without the possibility of parole. Surprisingly, he didn't even flee the state. He tried to hide out in a hotel, but he captured almost immediately since his face was all over the news.

I walked into the hospital room and took a deep breath. It never gets easy watching the love of your life lay there sleeping for almost a year. Her skin was flawless, her hair was growing wildly, and her Mom would braid it weekly.

I pulled her covers back to see her protruding stomach and smiled. Unbeknownst to us, when the attack happened, Iman was 5 weeks pregnant with our second child, our son to be specific. That being reason number two that we refused to give up. The doctor's scheduled a C-Section that would take place in a week and it was going to be extremely high risk. Baby boy was healthy and growing the way he was supposed to.

Before we knew Summer was a girl, Iman kept saying that if we had a son his name would be Jagger. As much as I hated the name, I knew I had to do something that would connect him to his Mom if she didn't make it.

"Mma maaa. Mama?" Summer said making me grow excited.

She screams "DAAAAADAAAA" all day, but this was her first-time saying Mama. I'd constantly show her videos and pictures so she would always recognize who her Mother is.

We sat there for about 3 hours. I stared, I read, I prayed, and I talked to her. Even though she was in a coma, they were pretty sure that she could still hear. I often thought about if she was able to think and what she was thinking about...

I put my baby's jacket on, allowed her to kiss her Mommy, and then gave Iman a kiss. It was so hard leaving her there every day. She'd frequently get visitors, because her involvement in the community was great, but I still felt bad for not being there every second.


02:00 AM

My eyes openly suddenly, feeling a shooting pain through my stomach and back. Where am I? Why is all of this shit hooked up to me? My stomach! It's huge, what is going on? I can see, hear, and after letting out a scream, I know I can talk... but I can't move. I'm trying with all of my might, but nothing is moving.

After screaming "HELPPPPP" for about 30 seconds, two nurses rushed in and a doctor soon behind them.

"She's up! And oh my goodness, she's in labor." A grey-haired white lady said.

"Labor?! I'm pregnant? Is this a nightmare?" I was so confused. 

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