Chapter 7

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"Ayo Nick, you have visitor" Mark, my paralegal said as he peeped into my door.

"If I have a visitor, that means they're here for business and you're screaming AYO and calling me Nick. Bruh, if you weren't my little cousin you would so fired." I said with aggravation. "Let them up please."

About 2 minutes later, I heard a knock on my door and I looked up and saw my baby walk in, but something about her was so different. She had a glow and had gained a little weight, but it did her a whole lot of justice.

Iman had a small flirtatious smile on her face and a lunch bag in her hand signaling she'd cooked, and BOY could she cook! She had on camo pants, an ACDC crop top, Jordan 1's and her lips were greased up per usual. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and it looked thicker than usual.

"Hey baby, I took the day off, because I had to help one of my students and I hadn't seen you in 2 days so I decided to stop by. I hope I'm not intruding." She said in her soft southern accent while her eyes fluttered nervously.

"Intruding? Man, seeing you is priceless no matter what's going on. I was trying not to overbear you because we're going to game together Friday, but this is a pleasant surprise." I said with a smile. "Now come here girl, let me grab on you." I flirtatiously winked as I slid my suit jacket off.

She walked over to me and sat in my lap while wrapping her arms around my neck and giving me a passionate kiss. I slid my hand up the back of her shirt and began to unhook her bra, because I could tell she had a lot on her mind and I wanted to make her forget it all.

"No Nick, not now. Not here. Or at least not here today." She chuckled.

"I haven't been feeling too good, so I think I'm going to the doctor next week. My birthday is coming up and I want to be in tip top shape for this party. I haven't celebrated in years, but I've accomplished so much that I feel like it's time for me to turn up!" She said as excitement swept her face.

"Do you need me to come with you? I can have someone else cover court for me that day. You know how I feel about you and your health." I said quickly.

"No it's okay. It can't be anything too major. Thanks for the offer though. Anyway, I grilled you a steak and there's some broccoli and a loaded baked potato in there for you. I threw in a slice of lemon pound cake too. I know none of this fits your diet, but baby you've been depriving yourself. ENJOY!" She said as she got up.

"Not so fast woman, how you gone tempt me like this and try to run out?" I laughed. "Stay and help me eat at least. I won't feel like I'm cheating then." Which fucked with my head, because I didn't want to cheat on my diet, but I'd been cheating on her.

"Nope, gotta go. One of my students had a procedure and she's staying at the house with me until Monday. I need to go check on her. I want to be back home before she wakes up." She said.

"Always taking care of other people. One day you're going to allow me to take care of you." I said feeling regret build up in my throat.

"I can't stop, I won't stop. God show me my purpose, so I'm going to walk in it. See you Friday daddy. And make sure you get a fresh cut. It might get you a little play." She said walking out of my office slowly knowing I was staring at the way her ass swayed back and forth. 

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