Chapter 6

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2 months later


I woke up out of my sleep aggravated and groggy which was unusual, because the thought of going to my job every morning excited me. I was moving slow and felt so unmotivated and a bit nauseous.

I made it to my bathroom and looked up in the mirror and noticed that my face was getting fuller. I knew happy weight was a thing, but man, I didn't think it would hit me so fast.

I went to my closet and grabbed a black wide-leg jumpsuit and a pair of snake-skin flats. I didn't have to iron and since the weight has been piling on I only wanted to wear clothing with stretch.

Once I was finally dressed, I made it to my car and unlocked my phone to see that Nick had purchased us tickets to a NBA Finals game and a smile plastered all over my face. Today was going to be a great day after all.

"Ms. Jonessssssss" Joanna whined as I unlocked my classroom door.

"Well good morning to you too sweetheart, what's wrong?" I said while not looking at her.

I turned my head to see tears falling down her face and quickly pulled her into my classroom and closed the door. If other students came they'd have to wait, my number one priority was her mental wellness at that point. I always expressed to my scholars that if they were not emotionally stable, they could not properly focus. They were comfortable with coming to me with anything.

"Ms. Jones remember how I told you that I liked older men?" Joanna said.

"Yes and I told you that they only want ONE thing from a 17 year old girl." I said with anticipation building in my voice.

"Well I've been sleeping with this guy and he's 27. I lied to him and told him I'm 21. I was able to keep it up for so long, because I had a fake I.D. so when he'd invite me to bars and clubs I had no trouble getting in." Joanna said with a long pause as her head dropped.

"Okay, continue. I want you to tell me EVERYTHING, because I haven't heard a reason for you to be crying yet... and please don't leave out any details. I can't help you if I don't know everything." I said calmly.

"I not only lied about my age, but I lied about being on birth control too. We've been having unprotected sex and he NEVER pulls out. On top of me lying about birth control, I told him I had my ovaries taken out a few years ago, so he'd never have to worry about me getting pregnant." She said never looking me directly in my eyes.

"Wow, so let me guess lil girl... you pregnant?" I said with disappointment building in my eyes. I'd invested so much into Joanna and tried my hardest to keep her on the straight and narrow. She was an awesome student and a fantastic athlete.

"Yes." She trailed off. "I went to the emergency room alone yesterday because I was having really bad cramps and spotting. I thought it was my period, because I hadn't had one, but the doctor made me take a pregnancy test and it was positive. I'm 5 weeks and I was kind of excited until I called who I thought was my boyfriend..."

"So what was his response Jo?" I sighed.

"He said that I had to get rid of it. He's not interested in anything more than sex with me, that's why we only ever went to clubs or met at the gym. He also said that's why I've never been to his house, he's only been to mine when my parents were out of town working or we'd get hotel rooms. I thought he loved me Ms. J!" She screeched as she broke down.

"Jo, you think you're ready for a child? You have no job, your parents are STRICT Christian people, you have 5 college offers, and it's time for you to start training for your last season of high school softball." I said giving her a chance to really think.

"I'm not telling you to abort your child, but you have other options. If he's not interested in a baby with you, then he won't be there to take care of it. Believe me when I tell you." I whispered as I took her into my bosom.

"I don't know, I think I want to make him pay for this! On top of all that, he told me he had a girlfriend and he planned on proposing to her soon. He said that he would never let me get in between his relationship, because I was just "some hoe". I don't know whether to be mad at him or mad at myself... I just need you to help me." She sniffled.

"Well class starts in 10 minutes, so I need you to take the Kleenex box, some lotion, and a little lip gloss and go revive yourself in the corner. But first, HEAR ME OUT. You are not fit for a child and you are wrong on so many levels for all the lies you told. Secondly, you have to tell your parents before they find out on their own. Lastly, if you do decide to have an abortion, I'll pay for it and I'll allow you to stay at my home for a few days to recover. I just don't want to see you turn into a statistic." I said as I walked over to my desk and put my head down. That was a lot to take in before the school bell even sounded off. 

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