Chapter 10

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It was Friday evening and I was excited as ever for the game. See, I'm a LeBron fan and although I hated the Lakers, I was happy he'd taken them to the Finals. Jo had been moving around better so I didn't feel bad about leaving her at the house tonight. I ordered a pizza and let her have at it with Netflix.

I slipped on my Laker's jersey and tucked half of into the top of my leather shorts, slipped on my high-top white Converse and threw my jean jacket on just in case it was cold in the arena. My hair was in a neat bun at the top of head and I pulled out my black Birkin and headed out of the door.

About 20 minutes later I pulled up to Nick's and called him to tell him I was outside. I decided to drive, because I was sure he'd get drunk and I'd have to be the DD anyway. He stepped out of the house and my eyes lit up. He matched my fly so effortlessly in every way. He was a money maker, a God lover, intelligent, funny, and was never anything less than fly.

We had great seats, so his flashy attire didn't surprise me. If there was anything different about us, it was the way he liked to be seen. I was laid back, I never had to do too much to get noticed and attention was never my thing.

As he got into the car I smiled. He wore a jersey matching mine even though he hated the Lakers. I got him the jersey and I acted as if I'd be heartbroken if he didn't wear it. He had on a pair of light denim G-Star Raw jeans, an AP watch and some Guiseppe sneakers. His hair was freshly cut and he wore small hoop-like earrings. I wanted to compliment him terribly, but I didn't. You have to make niggas like him wonder sometimes.

When we got to the arena and parked I started to feel like I had to throw up so I took Dramamine and finished off the remainder of the ginger-ale I had. I'd began to feel worse, but I wanted to wait until my doctor's appointment instead of going to the emergency room. We exited the car and made our way to door.

"Ahh Nick, my man! Who's the lovely lady?" A light skin brother with a suit on.

"This is my woman Iman. Iman this is Santos. He's going to take care of us for the evening" He said and I side-eyed him confused as ever.

"Come this way, let's take the elevator down to your seats. Ladies first." Santos said as he allowed me to walk in front of him. He was eyeing me like he wanted to freak me on the elevator and Nick was so wrapped up in his phone that he didn't notice.

We got down the elevator and the man escorted us to damn near the first row. I wanted to scream in excitement because the seats were bomb as hell and I could damn near smell LBJ, we were so close.

"Babe how much did you spend on these tickets? This is too much. I would have been okay right up there with the rest of the people that are in my tax bracket. But then again, I can see the finest man on Earth real clear." I said as I laughed referring to LeBron.

He looked at me and dropped his mouth open and started to laugh. "Girl Savannah gone beat your ass and I'm gone beat Bron's if you keep playing with me. Don't worry about my pockets. I told you I want to take care of you."

"Okay okay, I guess." I said knowing he was right.

"But I'm about to go get some Hendog, you want some brown loving ass girl?" He asked.

"No my stomach has been too queezy to drink, get me a sprite and a slice of cheesecake please." I smiled.

When he walked off I checked on my security system to make sure that Jo was good. As I picked my head up I felt someone bump me from behind and heard a deep voice say "I apologize gorgeous."

I turned around and I must have smiled so wide that all 32 teeth were showing. I knew the man who had bumped me ALL TOO WELL.

"Brent! What are you doing in Atlanta?! I haven't seen you since the 5th grade. Thank God for Facebook, because I don't think I would have noticed you." I said letting my country accent slip out. Seeing Brent reminded me of home.

"I live here now and I definitely wouldn't have noticed you. I moved here about a year ago to model and I got sick. I had a lot of surgery, that's why I have all these tattoos plastered. Gotta cover them scars." He said. "But damn can I get a hug? I know you can't be single looking like that."

I busted into laughter as I reached over the back of my seat and he embraced me like he wanted to pick me up and carry me away. When he let go of me I looked up and he stared into my eyes wanting to say something, but I guess he decided against it when he heard Nick say "I'm back baby."

"Babe, this is Brent. He's from Louisiana. We've known each other since we were 5 years old. He lives here now." I said obviously looking too happy, because Nick had a disposition on his face.

"Wassup bruh, I'm Nick. Any friend of MY WOMAN (he said with emphasis) is a friend of mine"

"No doubt dog, yall enjoy the game." Brent said as he stared at me instead of even looking at Nick.

"Friend huh? That man want him some Man." He said with a giggle.

"Negro please. We were just happy to see each other after 20 years!" I said rolling my eyes.

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