Chapter 23

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2 Days Later

Getting ready for work this morning I battled with a lot of emotions. Ever since Brent took me to dinner, I've been trying to keep my distance. Yes, it's true, I love him, but after seeing Nick the other day I don't know if I'm over him. Also, before anything, Brent and I are friends and I'd hate to ruin our friendship and break his heart.

After standing in my bathroom paused and thinking for 10 minutes about I was going to handle the situation, I heard my baby whining. Great, I could have been dressed if I was in a daze now I have to get ready while she's up. Being a single mom wasn't the hardest job in the world, but a little on hand help would be great.

I scooped my princess out of her crib and she smiled with slob all over her little chocolate face. "Wow, you don't even know what seeing your face does for me baby." I said beginning to clean her up.

I put a blush colored cotton ruffled jumper on her and gold glitter moccasins, brush her ridiculously thick hair into two puffs and put her name plate around her little wrist. At that point I had about 10 minutes to finish dressing myself before I was going to be late.

I threw my hair into a ponytail and put my edge control and brush in my purse to fix it up once I got to my classroom and slipped on a black jumpsuit and a pink blazer. I knew walking down the stairs with my baby and heels on just wasn't going to work this morning because I was rushing, so flats was going to have to work today.

I made it to Summer's daycare surprisingly a few minutes earlier than usual, because traffic was decent this morning. I checked my baby in, walked back to my car, got in and took a DEEP breath. I had to talk to Nick today, we need to work something out. I need more support than what I'm getting ASAP.

After class I sent Nick a text:

-HEY, are you in court or can I stop by your office real quick?

BD: Stop by the office. Fine ass girl

-Um, okay. Don't make me change my mind nigga.

BD: Girl come on.

-On my way bruh.

About 20 minutes later I was pulling my Jeep into a parking spot outside of Nick's office praying that this conversation went well. I took off my jacket and reluctantly sashayed into his firm. Mark smiled with surprised eyebrows when he saw me.

"Imann, my dog. It's real nice to see you. You looking good too." He said flirtatiously.

"Thanks Mark. He knows I'm coming, I'm going to just go back." I said quickly

"Cool love." Mark said smiling.

*knock knock* He didn't answer quick enough so I just walked in.

I regretted entering because his ass looked so good today and I wanted to punch a hole through the wall because of it.

"Hello Nick." I said trying to hold back my flirtatious smile.

"Damn babymama, you wore that to work? What, you fucking with a lame ass teacher nigga up there or something?" He said with lust burning in his eyes.

"Nick, I need more help with Summer. You have to go to work later than me so is there a way that you could at least get her to school in the mornings? I could meet you somewhere and you'd just have to drop her off." I said ignoring his antics.

"I'll actually do whatever you want. I told you she's my responsibility just as much as she's yours. I can pick up every morning between 6 and 6:30. I'll get her dressed. Just have her hair combed so she won't look like a scallywag, because I don't know how to do that shit." He laughed.

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