Chapter 14

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2 weeks later

School had finally let out and today was the day I'd been anticipating... my birthday party. My birthday was technically tomorrow but throwing a party on a Sunday would be way too much. I decided to have my party at my house, because I had a lot of open space and a recent life event called for me to start saving money.

I was celebrating 26 years of life today and I'd be surrounded by people who love and support me no matter what. Some might say it's shady, but I only invited a very small amount of people from church, because when my family decides to party, we party. And I don't need any side-eyeing nor whispering about how we get down.

Because I was a summer baby, I always got really creative with themes. This time around, I had chosen a Miami Vice theme. I made sure to include to the perfect colors, pineapples, palm trees, floats, and flamingo décor.

Jo, Kayla, and 2 of my other students volunteered to help me make my vision come alive and it came out beautifully. I had to make sure that this party would be one to remember.

2 o'clock rolled around and we were finally done decorating and cooking, so I decided to go upstairs and get myself together. It had been 2 weeks since I'd been secretly taking pre-natal vitamins and trying to hide my constant morning sickness. I was going to reveal my pregnancy today, so everyone could find out at once.

Originally, I was going to reveal it to Nick separately, but lately he'd been acting weird, so I decided on keeping my secret to myself.

I had my hair braided into waist length individuals and my skin was so gorgeous from this baby that I needed no makeup at all. My eyebrows were freshly arched, I'd gotten some lash extensions, and I put on some lipgloss.

I put on flamingo pink, high wasted paper-bag shorts, a white deep v-neck body suit, and a baby blue blazer with the sleeves rolled up. I finished my look with a fun Betsey Johnson sandal that tied up my ankles.

As I made my way downstairs I heard all the chatter. I walked into my backroom and I spotted my parents, my little cousin Jase, my brother Aaron, Nick, and a load of other people standing around talking.

I guess this pregnancy was affecting my timeliness, because I didn't notice I was upstairs for so long.

When I walked into the room Nick quickly embraced me, I rolled my eyes because he'd been so wishy washy lately that I didn't know how to take him.

I looked around for Jo and she was M.I.A., I'm guessing she went home to get herself together, more than sure that she'd be back before my announcement.

Recently, I'd been communicating with Brent, so I decided to invite him to the party. I was overwhelmed with excitement when he actually showed up. I actually had to compose myself because he looked so damn delicious. I'd never been attracted to another man outside of Nick, so I was convinced the baby had my hormones tripping.

The party was going great and Jo sent a text saying she was almost back to my house. When Jo arrived I made everyone come out to the backyard and told them I had an announcement. Everyone kept assuming that I was going to say I was moving or I was starting a new job, but they had no clue. Nick had ran to the restroom, so I was waiting him to deliver this news.

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