Chapter 19

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I pulled up in Iman's driveway and saw the silhouette of her body through the glass pane in her door. I decided against calling and walked up and rang the doorbell. She yelled "It's open" and when I opened the door I damn near hit her.

I noticed that her face was tear stained and she looked drained. Without asking any questions, I sat the food on the kitchen table, locked the door, and scooped her up. I laid her on the sofa and sat on the floor in front of her.

"He hurt you?" I simply asked

"Yes. Not physically, but in every other way." She said softly. "He was cheating on me with my student. He got her pregnant and I paid for the abortion. They didn't even know that they both knew me. He forced her to keep it from me and had no intentions on telling me. Am I not worthy enough?" she cried.

I pushed my body up onto the sofa and she scooted closer, burying her head in my chest.

"That nigga fucked up, but it's okay. I promise you, you will not go through this alone." I said.

Nick did me a favor by messing up. Now I'm going to fix her heart, rebuild her confidence, and make her a honest woman. And if he can't fulfill his fatherly duties, that's cool too. I'll be everything his dumb ass should have been.

Iman fell asleep and woke up about a hour later. I had covered her up with a blanket I found in her bedroom and I was sitting on the floor putting together the baby's bassinet since it was still boxed up in her room.

"Brent, you stayed? You don't have to that. I was going to ask my Dad to do it." She said.

"Girl it's nothing, I was bored and her daddy should have did this shit. You're gonna pop any day now." I said throwing back my head laughing.

Two weeks later

I'd been spending a lot of time with Iman lately, because the doctor put her on bed rest. She'd often try to ignore my calls and messages or not answer the door for me, but I was persistent.

Her Mom had been splitting the load of caring for her with me and it really annoyed Man. She kept saying we were treating her like an invalid. Ha!

I'd gotten an air mattress to sleep on the floor in room in case she went into labor. The last thing I wanted her to be was alone and it was looking like she'd be delivering early.

As I laid down, I heard the door bell ring.

"Who the hell is that?" Iman said as she tried to get out of bed.

"I got it babymama. Lay down big girl." I joked.

"Boy stop calling me baby mama. And I'm big fine." She laughed.

When I made it down the stairs I peeped out the window only to see Nick. I was hesitant to open the door, but he wasn't stupid enough to try anything.

"Can I help you?" I asked him smiling

"Help me? Nigga why you at my woman house?!" he choked

"Your woman? Man my friend is not yours anymore. I'm here because she wants me to be and she needs me to be. I'm doing everything your duck ass didn't..." I said poking out my chest.

"I'm gone get her back. I hope you don't think you gone be around my family much longer dog." He said like he was intimidating me.

"Brent! Who is that? Why have you been down here so long?" Iman said as she came around the corner.

"Oh fuck no." she exclaimed.


"Oh fuck no!" I yelled when I saw Nick..

"Brent, can you start my bath? I won't be long. I got this." I said making Nick upset.

"What do you want? I'm still pregnant, there's no baby being born yet. I just sent you an ultrasound yesterday. Go find you another young cum bucket to play in, I'm good and so is my child."

"I just need another chance. I was stupid. Stupid as hell. But I need you. I want my family. I can move you into a bigger house, buy you another car. Anything you want, I'll get it." Nick said.

"All I wanted was loyalty... that's it. Some love and loyalty. Not only were you cheating, but you were cheating raw. What if you would have given me a disease? You fed me a bunch of lies about how I was so important to you and how much you loved me only to be cheating the entire time? YOU ARE A DOG!" I said in an uproar.

"You're right, but you belong to me. I'm never giving up!" Nick said grabbing my arm.

"OWWWW" I screeched feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. "Brent! Brent! Get my hospital bag and my purse. Something isn't right!"

I looked down and blood was leaking down my leg. If I lose my child, Nick is losing his life. Period.

Unfortunately, Nick followed us to the hospital. When we got there, I was rushed to the back and the doctor informed me that I would have to have an emergency c-section. He told me that he could go out and get the father so he could be in the room when the baby came to, but I decided against allowing Nick to come back, because he was to blame for this.

I asked that they went and got Brent since he'd been helping me practice breathing exercises and reading ways to make birth easier to me. 

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