Chapter 30

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It had to be around 2 in the morning when I heard my cell door open and shut. I heard footsteps and heavy breathing and was hesitant to turn over. I went to reach for my shank that was wedged between my bed and wall when I felt someone grab my feet and someone else tie my hands up with about 4 shirts.

"What the fuck is going on? Who are yall? How the hell yall get in here?" I screamed. "Let me the fuck go!"

"You like sticking your dick places that it doesn't belong? Well we do too. Welcome to hell bitch!" I heard a raspy voice say.

Before I could react, I felt something hit me across my head and that was it.

2 days later

I woke up sore as hell. Like I had been in a train wreck. I was laying face down in what seemed to be a hospital bed and my arm was cuffed to the side of a hospital bed. I began to wiggle and move and felt a shooting pain in my ass.

If I remember what I remembered correctly, these motherfuckers stole my manhood. I immediately began to feel anger, rage, and pain at the same time. She was out for revenge or one of these guards had it out for me.

After about a hour of being up, laying face down smothering in my own tears, a doctor came into the room.

"Ahh you're up. How are you feeling? You got some pretty bad damage, but we're going to give you some pain meds before you go back today." He said in a lame ass, jolly voice.

"Go back? I can't go back! I refuse!" I started shaking the hand with handcuff.

"Officers! Come in asap." He said.

"He can't act right, so he can just go back. Get us discharge papers please." The officer said.


When we arrived back at the prison, they took me right back to cell and put a bucket of water & a mop in there and told me to clean my mess up. It was at that point that I knew I no longer wanted to live.

The shirts they used to tie my hands up were still on the floor, so I took my time and tied them into a short strong rope. I tied it to the light above my bed and wrote a letter to my Mother, the prison, and most importantly Iman.

I prayed and contemplated for about 20 minutes, but the pain emotionally and physically was unbearable. I wrapped the shirts around the neck, stood on my chair and then kicked it from under me. I began to gasp for air and if I really wanted to, I could have saved myself, I decided against it. This was the end. 

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