Chapter 17

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"It's a girl!" Dr. Smith said with rosy red cheeks.

I almost leaped out of my skin with excitement. Either way I would have been happy honestly, but what woman wouldn't want a "mini me"?

Nick looked at me and quickly pulled me into a hug.

"We're complete baby. A family." He said with pride.

"Ummm no, I actually need two more THEN we will be complete.", I laughed.

"Only two more? I was thinking I'd drop about 5 in you, but I guess I can stop at two. SIKE". I chuckled.

I had been having a great amount of complications in my pregnancy, so I wanted to wait until I was 7 months to find out the gender. After Dr. Smith assured me that the baby and I were doing much better, I allowed him to reveal the gender.

I proceeded to send out a mass text to my family and friends, then I put the group message on mute. My family is overly dramatic, and I could only imagine the reactions I'd be getting after announcing the gender. I was experiencing a type of high that I didn't want to come down from.

Driving home, Jo called. Before I answered Nick smacked his lips and said "Man you're about to have your own child. Tell that little girl she needs to lean on her parents from now and on."

"Boy please, this is my baby." I said as I answered the phone.

"Jojo, what's up love?"

"Ms. J, I'm so excited for you. Can I come over later? My conscious is eating me alive and I have to talk to you." She said as she sniffled.

"Baby what's wrong? Tell me now."

"No, it's okay. I'll be over in a hour. Is that okay?" she asked.

"That's perfect. I'll kick Nick out so we can have heart to heart."

"No don't. He should stay. As a matter of fact, it would help if he stayed." She said.

"Okay cool. See you in a bit." I said as I hung up.

"Man, you don't need that stress in your life. I'm about to text her and tell her stay away from you!" Nick yelled.

"How in the hell do you have her number Nicholas?" I asked with my face scrunched up.

"Oh umm. One time she had a question about getting emancipated, but I told her that wasn't a good idea." He stuttered.

I didn't even reply, I just continued to drive. Maybe this pregnancy had me paranoid and suspicious. 

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