Chapter 18

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Over a hour had passed and Jo never showed up, so I went up to my room where Nick was laying to ask him what he'd said to her.

Before I could even open my door, I heard his loud snores and decided to go in to turn the tv off. When I went to grab the remote I noticed his phone was unlocked, so I picked it up to read the message on the screen.

Jo: not hiding the truth anymore. Idgaf about you wanting a perfect family. You're a liar and you're gonna pay.

Nick: I know better than to say anything via text, but just know that coming over here would be a bad mistake.

Jo: was that a threat?


Jo: Okay, now I'm on my way.

Before I could cock back and punch Nick in his sleep my door bell rang. I figured it was Jo and I knew I had to play it cool because if I freaked out, I'd never know what was going on.

As soon as I opened the door she walked pass me and sat on the couch. I could tell that she was nervous but determined. I closed my front door and walked over to my chair without saying a word.

"Ms. J I could bs you, I could lie, I could try to make myself seem like the victim, but none of that would be fair. The abortion you paid for? That was Nick, your fiancé's baby. I'd been seeing him for a while, but I promise you I didn't know you all were together." She paused as I sat there literally feeling my heart began to break.

"I didn't tell you the day of your party, because he threatened me. I wanted to tell you immediately, but I was scared. At this point, I don't care what happens. You're way too good of a person for this. If you hate me, I understand. I'll let myself out now." She said as she shuffled out of my front door.

"NICCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" I screamed with everything in me.

He came running down the stairs and halted when he saw the look on my face.

"Get all of your stuff. Everything. Grab your toothbrush, any dirty clothes you have here, containers, the tennis shoes you wore when you painted the nursery, and this God-forsaken ring! Please don't say anything to me and don't you dare touch me. Do not come to my house, do not contact my family, don't call my phone, and don't show up to the doctor next week." I said in an extremely calm manner.

"After I go through delivery, I will call you to come and sign the birth certificate. If you don't want to, that's fine. I can manage on my own. Any rights you obtain, you'll have to take me to court for. I will be filing for child support and whatever visitation rights you receive will be up to the court. If you think you're going to give me a hard time because you're a big-time lawyer, I will expose your affair with a child. I'm not worried about you dragging me through the mud because I'm a stand-up person. Get the fuck out. NOW!" I said as I opened my front door.

The moment the front door closed, I collapsed the floor. I needed someone to hold me terribly. I called both of my parents and they didn't answer. I called Kayla and before I could say anything she told me that she'd called me back after Mark finished making her feel good and she hung up as well.

I felt defeated. I was always the go to person, but had no one to go to.

Just as I was about to scream, my phone dinged.

BRENT: Hey pregnant girl. How are you feeling? I'm grabbing food from Maggiano's and I know it's your favorite. You think Nick would mind if I dropped you something off?

Me: Who's Nick? Buy one, take one. One lasagna and one chicken alfredo. Thanks handsome. Call when you're outside. 

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