Chapter 20

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"Sir could you come with me?" A nurse asked.

Nick hopped up like he was sure that she was talking to him when she said "No not you, the gentleman the right of you. Sorry".

As bad as I wanted to smile in his face I didn't. A small part of me felt bad for him, but too small of a part for me to really care.

When I got to the back, I could hear Iman breathing heavily and I just walked over and grabbed her hand. "I'm right here sweetheart, I got y'all."

After about 30 minutes of cutting and tools clacking, I heard a cry. The doctor pulled out small baby with a head full of hair, wiped her off, and handed her to Man.

"Summer... I'll name her Summer, because she's instantly brightened up my life." Iman said without looking away from her beautiful baby girl. "Do you want to hold her?".

"Um I don't know. She's small." I said hesitantly. She then looked up at me and when I connected with her eyes I couldn't help it. "Give her here, I think I'm in love."

Later that evening we were settled in the room waiting for what seemed like forever for them to bring Summer in.

The nurse came into the room and announced that it was possible that Summer would be in the hospital for a while. She was having trouble breathing on her own and she wouldn't take any milk.

Iman immediately broke down. "I don't want him near her Brent, ever!"

"Man you can't do that, at least let him see her and sign the birth certificate." I said being fair.


"Aye bruh, come see your baby." Brent said.

As bad as I wanted to punch him, I didn't. I had no choice but to respect someone who's been catering to a woman that isn't even carrying his seed.

"We can only look at her through the window right now. She's having trouble breathing and her lungs are underdeveloped. It's because Man went into labor too early." He said walking off.

I couldn't do anything but drop my head. My careless actions went so far that they were ruining my child's health.

"Brent! You think I can come with you? Just wanna see Man. Make sure she's okay." I asked shamelessly.

"She made it clear that she didn't wanna see you. Follow me though, if she asks, you wouldn't stop following me." Brent said laughing.

I followed behind Brent and walked in the room to see Iman lying in bed looking helpless. From the look she gave me, I could tell she wanted to kill me.

"Can I talk to her for a minute in private? Please." It was time to humble myself.

Brent walked out of the room without replying.

"First I want to apologize. I'm sorry for cheating, I'm sorry for keeping it from you, I'm sorry lying and covering it up, and I'm sorry for embarrassing you. I want nothing more than to be a father to Summer and a husband to you. You saw first hand that the affair meant nothing to me. You're my everything Iman. Just put the ring on and come home with me until Summer is released... PLEASE." I begged.

Iman busted into the most obnoxious sarcastic laugh ever. 

"I loved you Nick. I was there. Honestly, if you would have told me the truth right away. I probably wouldn't have been so mad, but you covered it up. Then you came to my door after I asked you to stay away and got me worked up, which caused my baby to come early and in distress. You're selfish as hell and I'd never be with you again. I'll get a lawyer and the two of you can negotiate child support and visitation. Please get a DNA test before you leave here today for legitimization purposes and I'll have the nurse bring the birth certificate after." She said as she turned over in the bed leaving me to look at her back.

"Well can I just sit here? I miss you so much. Let Brent go home for the night." I said damn near begging.

"That's fine, but only because he needs rest. Don't touch me and don't talk to me." She said.

"Thank you so much! You don't know what this means to me." I said as I attempted to get on the bed with her.

"Boy take your ass on. Don't annoy me so soon." She said without looking at me.

"She's gorgeous baby. She looks just like you. I couldn't have asked for anything more perfect." I said smiling small.

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