Chapter 28

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1 week later

Feeling a shooting pain in my stomach I opened my eyes and let out a great scream. About 30 seconds later two women in scrubs and a man who looked like a doctor ran into the room.

Where am I? Why is my stomach so big? A hospital? Why are all these tubes hooked up to me?

All questions I wanted to ask, but the tube down my throat wouldn't allow it.

"She's awake. OH MY GOODNESS! Call her boyfriend and her parents. Let's get her to labor and delivery as well, the baby is crowning!" the grey haired, older white lady said.

"Bbbbbaby?" I was able to slip out.

"We'll explain everything to you Ms. Jones, let's get you stabilized first." the doctor said.

About 20 minutes into being surrounded by people moving me, changing IVs, unhooking machines, prepping me for labor and trying to calm me down... Nick walked in, I immediately started to remember the last time I saw him. I tried to give him a smile, but my face just wouldn't do it.

"BABY. Omg, this has been the longest 8 months of my life." He said.

"Nick, we're going to have to still do the C-section, she isn't in the predicament to push out a baby." The doctor said. "Go with Nurse Carroll and suit up so you can come back to surgery with us."


After arriving at the hospital and seeing my baby awake, I really thought about how life had been without her. As soon as she recovered I was proposing, I'd hate to lose her without ever making her an honest woman.

After 2 hours of surgery, our babyboy had finally arrived. Iman's coworkers came together and got everything that Jagger needed as soon as I told them we were having a boy, so everything he needed was there.

I wanted to wait until everything settled to tell Iman what had been going on, but she insisted on knowing right away.

"So what's the last thing you remember?" I asked.

"I just remember hearing sirens, but I don't remember what happened." She said looking confused.

"Well Brent attacked you, not sure if I should go into detail, but it was bad. You've been in a coma for almost 9 months and about a month into it, we found out that you were pregnant. I don't want to tell you, but I guess I should... Brent raped you so we thought it was his baby, but it wasn't. Jagger's mine. I've been praying that you come out of this everyday! Summer is such a big girl now and she knows who you are very well. We visit you everyday and so do your parents. Brent got 25 years in prison." I looked at her once I was finished explaining and she was laying with her eyes glued on the ceiling.

"Are you okay? I know I just said a lot. I thought we were going to lose you baby." I asked.

"I want revenge. I've missed some of the most important moments of my child's life and I didn't get to cherish my pregnancy. Prison is not good enough." She said.

"I'll do whatever you need me to, but let's just focus on our babies for now. Please." I begged.

"Of course, but when I get back on my feet, it's on." She mumbled. 

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