District Two Male: Atticus Leigh

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Name: Atticus Leigh

Age: 17

District: District Two

Physical Description:  Atticus is tall and muscular, with black hair and brown eyes that are  so dark that they're called black. He has no obvious scars or flaws, but  there is a pale scar on his arm from one of the only fights he'd lost.  He is good looking, but not enough to attract a lot of attention.

Personality:  Atticus is extremely intelligent and cunning, partly because of his  training, and partly because of natural ability. He is good at  concealing his intentions/feelings and a fairly good liar. However, he  is easily angered and very vicious when he feel threatened.

Background: His  father is a Peacekeeper and his mother is one of the teachers at the  training academy. He was trained from birth to join the games, win the  games for his district. He has no siblings, but he does have many  friends, but is close to only two of them, Cleo and Cyrus. He grew up  with them and they are the closest thing he has to siblings. Atticus  excels in both training and school, and is often called the "perfect  son" by his parents.


Reaction/Reason: He was pleased when he was reaped, seeing as he was going to volunteer anyway.

Strengths: His intelligence and his fighting ability.

Weaknesses: He is easily angered and when he is it is harder for him to remain rational.

Weapon: Sword

Token: A ring with his birthstone on it, given to him by his parents when he was reaped.

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