Task One: Moments

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"Mother, are you sure about this?"

Cicero paced throughout  the room, his frantic steps only speeding up as they proceed. His mother  had always had the reputation of being slightly radical, and she'd  already made it clear that she was intending to switch things up - but  he hadn't expected it to begin quite so quickly. And yet here they were,  him terrified she was going too far and her perfectly calm as she  pushed the envelope some more.

"Why not? It's not that  different from interviews. The only difference is that this is less  invasive; they get to choose what they tell us. We need to show some  respect."

Dropping the collection  of papers before her, Vienna turned her attention to her son. Some of  these tributes - certainly not all of them, but some - already showed a  little promise. Her mind had begun to think of sponsoring prospects,  though she knew it was wisest to wait until the beginning of the Games  to make the decision concrete. Still, she was a Gamemaker; if she  couldn't trust her instincts, she shouldn't be doing her job.

"Then why not forgo this altogether? Our tributes already give us their lives from this point onwards - why ask for more?"

A puff on her cigarette  and Vienna was ready. "To remind them that we can, of course. Now,  Cicero; you remember what you need to ask?"


"Very good. Lead them to the chambers."



- After your time with  your stylist, Cicero comes for you. However, unlike usually, he doesn't  take you to the interview stage, but to a plain and empty room with  nothing but a camera. He then explains that you are to tell all of Panem  the event which has had the most lasting effect on you as a person.

- You can write this  event in any way you want; creativity is likely to impress me if it's  well done. The same goes for the event, though I still expect realism.

- Word Limit: 1,500 words.

- Deadline: Saturday, December 13th at 10 PM GMT

(This task does decide which tributes get sponsors, so put your best foot forward!)

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