Task Two: Premature Burial - Females

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District One - Jamilla Argentaria


Much kill, such blood, many weapon, so death. Wow. #nocri #badass #careerpower


District Two - Kimiko Zhen

The way Delta looks at  me from across the room sends this feeling of ache and agony through me  heart; this is the games now, this is where twenty seven of us perish  and one person "escapes." The hilarity behind that is that no one who  leaves the arena alive really escapes the torture of the flashbacks that  haunt them over and over again.

In a way, I don't want  Delta to make it home. I don't want him to have to suffer, to have to  face any nightmares that erupt in the middle of the night. He's far too  innocent to be here.

Me? Winning wouldn't  help anything either. My girlfriend and I would receive terrible  publicity, and I doubt that my family would stop haunting me. It's funny  that they pressured me to join the games, but once I was escorted into  the justice building, they only screamed abuse, saying that they're  ashamed that I didn't volunteer, that I didn't show the audience how  strong and courageous I am.

You can never please anyone these days.

Atalanta looks more  ready than the rest of us, with her jet black hair and metallic stare  carved on her stone-like face showing nothing but hatred for everything  in front of her. I've seen her deeper than the other tributes here,  minus Delta and Calder. She's manipulative; she plays with fire when she  goes about her strategies.

Out of the games, she  seems to be the kind of person who would beat me up, make fun of me for  kissing females instead of males. Cal, if not on the right side of you,  seems like he'd do exactly the same thing. Cal is like an animal with  the loyalty stuff, but he seems trained to attack. If anything, he'd be  the one breaking up the worst fight in history between Atalanta and I.

And that leaves Delta.  Delta, the small ginger boy who completely contrasts Atalanta, but  completely reflects her at the same time. When Delta smiles, it  highlights how quiet and grumpy Atalanta acts around us. Around the  bigger tributes that could fling tiny Delta across the room, he'd loud  and tries to show he isn't afraid; Atalanta uses her innocent card to  make her seem less of a threat.

Me? I lurk in the shadows and work on command. Nothing else really matters at this point.

Before I'm even aware, I  see people pouncing from their podiums, trying to make their way around  what seems to be some kind of underground maze. Some people hesitate,  wondering whether or not to leave the supplies and find a safe haven  before it's too late - Cal seems to be one of those people.

The first thing I do is  throw myself at the pile of weapons in the room, hoping to salvage  something that one of the four of us can use. I need my crossbow, my  bolts to fire off into the distance. Both Atalanta and Cal know how to  use throwing knives, with Atalanta knowing how to handle a sword as  well. Cal has expertise with daggers too. Delta has his family tradition  of the sickle to claim - maybe the fact that Sierra and November have  died to the games with the sickle as their weapon could be an indication  that he shouldn't use that weapon himself.

Two knives are what I  manage to recover. It doesn't take much time for Cal to make his way  over to me, leaving the District Five pair alone. Cal and I each equip  ourselves with a knife and a random backpack from the pile in front of  us. Delta and Atalanta take cover for a bit, looking for a way into the  middle of the room filled with such chaos.

The kid from Thirteen,  Winslet, holds this bow up, facing the direction of... Delta and  Atalanta. Seriously? The kids are already being targeted? District Five  are known for their dark horses. As the bow flies, Atalanta screams out  and Delta closes his eyes, hoping that a miracle will save him...

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