Task Three: The Temptation - Males

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District One - Howl Labyrine



District Two - Winchester Rifle II [8]



District Three - Fidelis Teague [3]


Note: Though I somehow  forgot to write it, Fidelis is sponsored by Cicero. Originally, there  were only two tributes written down as being sponsored by him.


District Five - Avner Emerson

I entered the Games prepared to die for my brothers, but I wasn't entirely prepared for what that actually meant.

I most certainly wasn't prepared for the death. So much death.

I've seen the Hunger  Games on television, of course. One of my earliest memories is of  sitting on my mother's lap watching the Games, as was mandatory. I have  over a decade's worth of memories of children dying; slaughtering one  another.

Seeing it first hand was a completely different situation.

I'd just survived the  Bloodbath. The pair from Three and I formed an alliance of sorts. The  "people-voted-least-like-to-survive," I'm pretty sure. We weren't a  pretty bunch, the way we stumbled through the beautiful garden of  horrors the Gamemakers had created for us. But we were still alive-- for  the moment-- and that was what mattered.

Well, at least we have a beautiful place to die...

The thought rose to  the surface of my mind as I trailed behind the Threes, and it was a  struggle to force it back down. I tried my hardest to ignore the  mutilated body of the boy from One as I passed it's final resting place  on the grassy floor. "Where are we headed?" I asked.

"Toward water,  hopefully," Fidelis said. I liked him. He had seemed trustworthy from  the beginning, which was the only reason I chose to ally with him. I had  expected to go through this alone. Now that I was with a group,  however, I was thankful for it. Doing this alone... it would be beyond  awful.

"And shelter,  hopefully," Tesla added. Now her I wasn't so sure about. She didn't  trust me. I mean, she had good reason not to: I was lying. But she  wasn't supposed to know that. No one was. Because as soon as I was  discovered, this would all have been for nothing. My fate would have  been sealed, my family slaughtered, and what's worse... it probably  would have all been hidden from the public.

Fidelis brought us to a stop at the edge of a small stream. He nodded. "Good, water. Now all we need is food and shelter."

Tesla shrugged. "Maybe we should split up?"

"Good idea, it'll be quicker that way," Fidelis agreed with a smile.

No. No, bad idea. We formed a group for a reason. Safety in numbers. Separation means death.

Fiddles turned to me. "What do you think, Avner?"

I bit my lip.

He realized soon  enough that I wasn't going to answer, and continued speaking. "Tesla,  you can look for shelter. Avner, there's a grove of trees through there,  I think. You can be in charge of the food? I'll wait here, guard the  water."

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