District One Female: Jamilla Argentaria

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Name: Jamilla Carnelian Argentaria (Actually, it's just Jace...)

Age: Fifteen (Actually, I'm almost sixteen. I'm a Games Day baby, it's a "lucky" day to be born...)

District: One (Which really explains why my parents gave me such a... beautiful and totally realistic name...)

Physical Description:  Jamilla looks pretty much what you'd expect of a girl from One. With  long, dirty blonde hair and pale blue eyes, she is a classic District  One beauty. Though Jamilla knows she's pretty- it's in her name, after  all- she doesn't use it against people like her sister does. Of course,  this stems from the fact that she's too busy training to put too much  effort into her appearance when she naturally looks pretty good. When  she does try, which she sometimes does, she's beautiful. Though short in  stature, Jamilla has a lithe build and a catlike grace that makes it  clear that she isn't weak. (Did you seriously just analyze the way I  look that deeply?)

Personality:  She might pick the word spunky to describe herself if given the chance,  however an outsider might use the words proud or fierce to describe  her. All of which are reasonable to use when describing Jamilla. She has  been shaped by the fact that she's the youngest of three sisters,  something that has always caused her to be very determined to prove  herself. She can be a little intense at times. Jamilla is a spitfire, to  say the least, and is very passionate. Though physically and mentally  strong, her emotions are sometimes hard for her to control. Jamilla has  been taught to be clever and has a good memory but she is definitely not  the best at making smart choices. (What is... What is this even?)

Background:  She's the youngest of three daughters, Callista (21) and Belladonna  (17) coming before her. Coming from an ex-Peacekeeper mother and jeweler  father, she has an interesting background. Her mother encouraged her  sisters to get involved with the Academy but Callista was more  interested in jewels. Jamilla, however, was determined to train for the  Games along with Belladonna. The two thrived there and were always very  competitive. Jamilla became close to many of the boys that trained with  her, sometimes too close when she got older. Other than that, there  isn't much to her life. (That you know of, that is. Spoilers, yeah?)

Volunteered (Sorry, Belladonna...)

Reason:  Some part of Jamilla refused to accept that her sister had beaten her  for the right to volunteer so she jumped on the chance during  Belladonna's second of hesitation. (You make it sound like I ruthlessly  undermined her chances. She still has another year, you know? And it's  still just Jace...)

Strengths:  Jamilla has been training for the Games since she was seven, though her  formal training started when she was ten. A pretty face is always a  strength, there's no doubt about that when you come from District One.  Jamilla has a very high threshold for physical pain. (Seriously, it's  Jace. And by the way, I also make a mean soufflé...)

Weaknesses:  Jamilla, like many who have gone to the Games before her, is very proud  and extremely overconfident at times. Because she volunteered two years  before completing her training, she has missed out on learning some  crucial lessons from the Academy. She is prone to making questionable  choices when extremely stressed. (I do not make questionable choices!  And I'm most certainly not arrogant...)

Weapon:  Though trained in combat with a large variety of weapons, Jamilla has a  special affinity for a type of push dagger called a katar. (You can  literally punch a knife through somebody's brain with it, it's  awesome...)

Token: A  gold and carnelian cameo necklace. It was supposed to be a present for  her sixteenth birthday but considering she'll be in the arena then,  Belladonna gave it to her early. (Yeah, along with my second token from  her: a nice bruise the size of her fist on my cheek...)

Other: Jamilla tends to interrupt people, as her thoughts usually come out unfiltered. (It's. Just. Jace!)

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