District Three Female: Tesla Slater

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Author: AmandaShadowhunter

Name- Tesla Slater

Age- 22

Sex- Female


Physical Description-  Tesla is tall, and much too thin. Although her wiry physique is more  natural than lack-of-food induced. She has chestnut-brown hair, cropped  short around her ears. It's not a clean job,-she did it herself with a  wire cutter. Her skin is pale, and her eyes are green and slanted-like a  cat's.

Personality-  Tesla is smart. She always has been. She's a quick learner and has a  cunning knack for thinking unconventionally. She is very willing to talk  to others and share her ideas, but that does not mean she's always  honest with what she tells. She is calculating, and good at assessing  people before they speak.

Background- Tessa  comes from a tightly knit family. They have never been very well off,  and there were always times when they would have welcomed more food.  They were a quiet, simple people, and not the brightest at that. But  then Tesla came along, and it was like she was an answer to her parents'  prayers. She had the stuff to make it big in District Three. Now she  works for one of the biggest core electronics plants in the district,  and is well on her way to even greater things. The money she makes  supports her entire family. When the Quarter Quell was announced and the  Slater family was chosen, they all knew who would end up entering the  games. Tesla would volunteer. She was the natural choice; she had the  least to lose, and was most likely to win.

Elysia Slater- Mother (Deceased)
Lumen Slater- Father
Coppelia Anatrexi nee Slater -Sister, age 25
Alae Slater- Brother (10)
Akia Slater- Brother (28)

Reaped/Volunteered- Tesla volunteered, as planned. Her little brother, Alae, was originally reaped.

Reaction/Reason-  Tesla had the least to lose of all her family members. Coppelia and Akia  both had families of their own that would need them, and Alae was too  young, and Lumen too old.

Strengths- Her  mind. For everything that she cannot do physically, there are a thousand  other solutions to makeup for it that do not require brute strength.  She would not stand a chance in actual combat, but her wiry build is  good for running away and climbing.

Weaknesses- Tesla  has no physical strength. She runs out of energy quickly, because of  her lack of food and general poor-health. Despite her intelligence, if  it came down to hand-to-hand combat, she would probably loose.

Weapon-She's a  scavenger-sort of tribute. She'll take anything she can get. She's best  with knives or a sword, but she can handle spears and darts and most  else. She's a horrible shot with a bow and arrow. She has the precision,  but lacks the practice.

Token- A small stone on a chain that contains a bio-luminescent material that causes it to glow and shimmer.

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