District Six Female: Marley Boxman

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Name: Marley Boxman

Age: 14

District: Six

Physical Description:  When you glance at Marley you might double take because her appearance  is very similar to of a boy's. Her feverish red hair is jaggedly cropped  around her neck and her fringed bangs swept across her forehead when  they aren't covering her large ivory eyes. She has very thin lips and  they are almost as dark as her hair. Marley is healthy but underweight,  short, and her feet aren't proportioned with the rest of her body.

Personality:  District Six is a disgusting place. Most are citizens are oppressed and  without shelter. Marley knows not to take anything for granted and  doesn't expect anything more than she should. This mindset has grown to a  pessimist way of thinking and because of it she doesn't talk often not  trusting most anyone. Her tomboyish traits some including playing sports  with the boys at school, not afraid of getting dirty, and going on  adventures in hazardous places doesn't seem to help her boyish look  either.

Background:  Marley is a foster child, rare in the district, but her parents were  never officially married and the relationship never lasted. Marley never  knew her mother (perhaps why she isn't as feminine) and her father died  due to drug overdose of Morphling and others drugs when she was seven.  The foster life isn't as terrible as many would expect, and in fact it  helped Marley not need to place her name in for tesserae.


Reaction/Reason:  Having the reputation as the "tough" girl (mentally) she struggled to  keep her face emotionless as she silently stepped out, floated up to and  on the stage. Her lips squirmed in every direction and she let her hair  purposely fall in front of her eyes so her teary eyes couldn't be seen.  She usually prepares to expect the worst but the devastation of knowing  that she was most likely already dead left her abnormally stiff and  lifeless.

Strengths:  Marley doesn't keep too high of hopes which also keeps her from much  disappointment and trouble, she is swift and powerful with her legs (her  clown feet for once to her advantage) and she fears very little.

Weaknesses:  Marley isn't afraid of much but the thoughts of vast rejection keeps  her obedient to the ways of society struggling to hide the her awkward  independence and lifestyle. The foster home has always been good with  feeding her so going hungry is an experience she has never dealt with.  However Marley's biggest fear of is death, having consumed the lives of  her family and the array of tributes she's watched murdered on  television; to her death feels something more than impossible to escape  from.

Weapon: A dagger/small knife, Marley is a very hands-on person. Her speed, and hard-to-convince thinking to her advantage.

Token:  The clip-on pearl earring that belonged to her mother that her father  had never returned. She has only the one because her father had lost the  other in the pair. She only ever wears it on her left ear when her  swept hair is long enough to cover it.

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