Task Three: The Temptation

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"Now the serpent was  more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said  to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in  the garden'?"" ~ Genesis 3: 1

The sky in the arena is  lighted an alarming shade of red that can only be described as bloody.  In a place where everything is simulated, it isn't much to ask to set up  mood in any way possible; including the sky above the heads of the  tributes. Soon, however, that dissipates entirely, replaced by the  Capitol seal, the anthem playing in the background. Faces light the sky,  never to be see again.

Negan Martin, Leslie Tracks, Dmitri Varucca, Ryker Woodley, Carlos Valentina, Quinn Valentina, Jaxon Colby, Skylark Bowman Jr.

As the anthem fades, the  last face disappears, bringing the relief to an end. There may be eight  tributes down, but that leaves another nineteen out there, some of  which hunting. That, however, is the least of their worries compared to  what the Gamemakers have ready in the wings.

"This is exactly what we  need," says Vienna, looking at her son. He smiles, his head held high,  as Attina stands off to the distance. "The typical mutt task, but  completely lacking the physical aspects there usually are. Good work."

"Thank you, Mother."

Vienna nods, turning her  attention back towards the arena before them. Some tributes sleep -  some pretend to. Others are wide awake, pacing the area, planning their  success.

None of them see the snake crawling through the grass.



- This, as previously  stated, is my traditional mutt task, but without the fighting that tends  to make it unpopular. Your task is not to fight this mutt, but rather  to resist it. This snake's only aim is to get you to eat an apple (which  is, in this particular case, quite poisonous). But be warned: he's  quite the skilled deal maker.

KILLS: One in the  entry, two in ballots. Seeded tributes get a third ballot. Six will  find themselves up for votes, with four of them meeting the end of their  time in this competition.

WORD LIMIT: 1,250 words. (1,500 for seeded tributes).

DUE DATE: Monday, March 8th at 9 PM GMT, seeing as this side of the pond is moving an hour forward.


Remaining Tributes:

District One, Howl Labyrine
District One, Virgo Alizé [1]
District Two, Winchester Rifle II [8]
District Two, Damaris Sultari
District Three, Fidelis Teague [3]
District Three, Tesla Slater
District Four, Selene Albright [5]
District Five, Avner Emerson
District Five, Vivienne Bright
District Seven, Cassidy Boulton
District Nine, Bran Hallis
District Nine, Eilidh Fleeden
District Ten, Dove Evans [6]
District Eleven, Hettie Burris [4]
District Twelve, Egan Agni [4]
District Twelve, Anita Lear
District Thirteen, Aries Fission [2]
District Thirteen, Elemenope Hastings
Capitol, Judas Silver
Capitol, Asoka Ehnn [10]

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