District Five Male: Avner Emerson

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Author: RappyTheDinosaur

Name: Avner Emerson

Age: 21

Sex: Female posing as Male

District: Five

Physical Description:  Though she never thought it would come in handy, Avner has always  looked like a guy. Even when she had longer hair as a child, her face  was still distinctly boyish. Avner is thin, and stands at an  unimpressive five feet three inches tall. She's almost completely flat  chested, which comes in handy for work, which involves squeezing herself  into tight spaces to fix any problems in one of District Five's larger  power plants. Her face is plain, with nothing notable. Her skin is  relatively blemish free and pale, due to the lack of sunlight she  receives (again, work.) Her hair is a dark shade of brown that can  sometimes appear black, and it's chopped extremely short. He only really  noticeable feature are her eyes, which are a beautiful shade of blue.  Avner could pass for a relatively pretty girl or a mildly handsome young  boy-- but she's nothing to speak about in either category.

Personality:  Avner has always felt pretty awkward in her body, and as a result she's  become very shy and closed off. She doesn't talk much, and when she does  speak she only says what's necessary, and in a quiet, polite voice.  When she's nervous-- which is unfortunately often-- her ears turn bright  red, a feature she hates. She is very mature and responsible when it  comes to both work and her family life, and she's fiercely loyal to  those important to her. She has a no-nonsense attitude with everything  she does, and she's rather bright.

Background: Avner  is a female, but no one outside her family knows that. After her father  suffered a severe injury while at work when Avner was twelve, it became  her job to support the family. Most of the well-paying, manual labor  jobs overlooked females, and so she started presenting herself as a  male. When it came time for her to register for her first reaping, she  applied as a boy. Avner lives in the lower-income part of Five with her  mother, father, and five brothers. As mentioned above, she works in one  of the larger power plants in the District as a repairman (woman). Her  dream has always been to go to college and learn how to engineer solar  panels, but after her father's injury she realized she'd probably never  get the chance.

Family: Avner  Emerson Sr.- Father (Yes, she's named after her dad. Long story, but  also part of why it's so easy for her to pass off as a guy) [50 years  old]

Soleil Emerson- Mother [44]

Blaise Emerson- Brother [15]

Beam Emerson- Brother [13]

Flare Emerson- Brother [12]

Rory Emerson- Brother [10]

Airen Emerson- Brother [8]

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Reaction/Reason:  The Emerson family was Reaped, and you surely couldn't expect Avner to  stand by and let one of her brothers go into the arena?

Strengths: Avner  is extremely good at blending in (she might as well be invisible),  maneuvering through tight spaces and running, and telling believable  lies (after all, she's been pretending to be a guy for the past nine  years...)

Weaknesses: She  often makes rash decisions when it comes to protecting those important  to her, she has never trained with any weapon, she's not social enough  to gain public favor (and making allies might be a bit difficult)

Weapon: She has honestly never held a weapon, but how difficult could a plain old sword be?

Token: Although  it's probably a common one in Games like these, all Avner wanted was a  portrait of her family. She doesn't care too much about remembering her  district, she only wants to remember the people who mattered to her.  (She really doesn't have high hopes in winning...)

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