District Thirteen Female: Elemenope Hastings

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Author: MaSoAnglomaniaHamlet

Name: Elemenope Hastings

Pronunciation: Ehllemm-menn-oh-pee Hays-tihngz

Age: 32

Sex: Female

District: Thirteen

Physical Description:  All in once you could say that Elle has a pretty decent look. She could  be a far more stunning woman, but prefers to keep it down and to fit  in. Her face has quite a curvy and heart-like shape, with rather long  eyes and a pointy nose. If you catch one of the rare moments when Elle  has another emotion but her polite facade on, you might notice her  mouth- although it's rather long and thin, her special way or curving it  upwards gives it a nice volume during a smile. Elle is a rather small  woman with a slender, yet curvy body, small hands and small feet. Her  hair falls down to the end of her shoulders and is coloured in several  blond tones. A special thing almost nobody knows about it is that,  although she is only 32, most of Elle's hair would already be greying if  she didn't dye it regularly. So, it's filled with several streaks of  colours, from a very light blond to an almost golden tone. It's also  rather straight and Elle only sometimes likes to fluff some volume into  it. According to her hair and general look, Elle's skin is coloured in a  very pale shape of peach and her eye colour is a mixture between grey,  blue and green, the latter being the most dominant one. Speaking of her  eyes, when talking to her you might notice that these two are the only  things of her body Elle has not learned to control perfectly and so they  often nervously race and fly from one point to another.

Personality: Elle  is a fragile person with a strong will. Her character is actually a  very quite, decent, ordinary and shy one. Speaking up or facing social  situations has never been her cup of tea, really, however, for her job  and the eventual course of her adulthood Elle had to become a confident  and proud person, cooly smiling at persons she just met or easily  dealing with awkward situations. So she built up a kind of facade,  hiding her actual self behind it. Over the years this very facade and  her real personality grew so contrary to each other that Elle started to  become a person with more or less serious mental problems. Whenever she  meets new people and has to deal with them, she will act as a normal,  polite and smiling adult, however, inside of herself there's a strong  fear building, a fear of loosing it, loosing her facade. Due to these  struggles, Elle's hands tend to tremble in such situations, but she  takes enough pills to it.
Because of her social struggles Elle also  tries to analyse all the people around her as closely as possible,  trying to find out what they're thinking or might be up to, so that she  can avoid socially awkward situations.
Elle is actually also a very  sensual, gentle and free spirit who loves to follow her own rules, but  the District she lives in has a much too strong structure and because of  that, she always tries to obey the common rules as well as possible. In  public Elle has learned a very big amount of self-control, but when she  is alone or together with her husband, she is mostly this very scared,  doubtful, anxious and suspicious person. This side became her actual  self in privacy because in public she had to hide and avoid it  completely. Nevertheless, Elle's mental problems are sometimes so strong  that she can't completely hold up her facade and tends to show her  anxiety in public.

Background: Elle  was born to a mother from in District Thirteen and a father who always  refused to fully tell her where he came from. Her two parents died when  Elle was seventeen and until then she found out that her father  Norrester probably used to be a peacekeeper but fled from a District  being so close to the Capitol, came to Thirteen, married Mystelle  Voxelis and stayed with her in her District. Mystelle had several jobs  during her life, going from woking as a teacher, over cooking for the  government, to finally staying in the position of an engineer. Norrester  served in even more positions- not mentioning his past as a  peacekeeper, in Thirteen he went from serving as a pilot, hacker and  hunter to eventually working as a spy.
Elle herself mostly grew up  alone or with her maternal grandparents, two retired nuclear testers.  She never wanted the stress of so many jobs, always getting used to a  new social area and all this. So, after graduating from school Elemenope  immediately studied to become a doctor and found out that she was even  quite talented on that field. Her work as a surgeon started when she was  26 and since the age of 28, Elle serves as one of the leading  specialists in Thirteen.
She met her husband Scalerius on a  consulting meeting for doctors and engineers, the two of them being 22  back then. Scalerius made Elemenope Voxelis Elemenope Hastings two years  later and although he would never stop promising his deep love to her,  Elle secretly never really knew if her husband understood her anxiety  struggles or if he just made them worse by not understanding them. The  twins came when Elle and Scalerius were 30. It was one of the biggest  turns in their lives and although Elle had never been able to give her  children as much attention as she actually wanted, she has always been  sure that the two of them helped her a lot in fighting her mental  problems. Scalerius' brother, his wife and their two children used to  live with Elle and her family in Thirteen, but when the reaping came,  they were suddenly gone overnight.


Lydane Voxelis- maternal grandmother
Ethamen Voxelis- maternal grandfather

Mystelle Voxelis- mother (deceased)
Norrester Voxelis- father (deceased)

Treron Hastings- brother-in-law
Ranceyll Hastings- member of Hastings family
Darios Hastings- nephew
Benthes Hastings- nephew

Scalerius Hastings- husband
Clavia Hastings- daughter
Aspertala Hastings- daughter


Reaction: Elle's  family was shocked to the core when they heard the bad news, mostly  because everyone knew it was upon Elle to take the spot. The twins were  by far to young to do it and Elle would've never let them step up  anyways. With her grandparents being too old and too fragile to to the  job and the family of Scalerius' brother being far away, the choice was  down to Elle and her husband. Although he always insisted on stepping up  for his family, his wife eventually convinced him that he was the safer  choice for staying with the family. If Scalerius died or even just had  to fight in the arena, Elle was convinced she wouldn't be able to go on  living with out him. Apart from that, her personality was already  damaged anyway, so if she died in the Games, the twins would at least  have one secure parent left. With the two kids screaming for her mother  and her grandparents crying for their child, Elle hugged Scaelerius and  stepped up to the stage. Her whole reaction could be described as a more  extreme form of her personality- she had to stay a brave mother for her  family, while she actually had a mental breakdown inside of herself,  most of all when saying good-bye to her husband, the one love that had  always steadied her. While Elemenope was screaming and crying on the  inside, nothing but a smile and shaking hands could be witnessed on the  outside. However, the strong shaking signalised her that the secureness  her kids had given her, the feeling that had helped her to overcome her  problems, was gone the moment she entered the stage.

Strengths: Elle  worked as a doctor for many years, so she is very talented when it comes  to herbs and healing. Her small and slender body also makes her a  surprisingly good climber as well as a pretty talented fighter with the  whip because she sometimes watched her father using it when he fought  for Thirteen. Apart from that Elle is also good and fast in making  plans. She's afraid of panicking, so she always tries to make perfect  plans as fast as possible, including the analysing of people.

Weaknesses: One  of her greatest problems are of course Elle's mental struggles. Even she  herself doesn't exactly knows what happens if they become to strong in  too extreme situations. Elle also has extreme trust issues and is really  not the calmest person to deal with. When she starts panicking she'll  find it very hard to calm down again.

Weapon: A whip, most likely (something mighty but adjustable)

Token: A little  round capsule with a flower inside, implanted in the skin over her  heart. When Elle got a panic attack once, she implanted a little round  capsule visibly into the skin over her heart to measure her heart beat  (it looks like a black, blinking little button in her skin). Over the  time, she also programmed the thing so that it showed her the healthy  heart beats of her loved ones through blinking, tiny sounds or  vibrating. A few months ago, when the twins began to speak their first  words, they gave Elle a tiny, dried flower. She installed a little flap  on the capsule and since then, she has a black button on her chest which  you can open to find a flower and several tiny lights with heart  rhythms inside.

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