Task Six: The Plagues /QF

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"Then say to him,  'The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say to you: Let my  people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness. But until now  you have not listened." ~ Exodus 7: 16

The last four days have  been uneventful. Separated as they have been by the vast territory of  the arena, it has taken forever for them to find their way to each  other, although many of them haven't actually been searching. Today,  however, two have died, leaving the last ten staring at the skies in  anticipation.

Blythe Sultari and Fidelis Teague.

Nobody dares to break  eye contact with the portraits in the sky anymore; they remain fixated  at Fidelis' face until it vanishes into nothingness.

"It's time to spice  things up a little," says Vienna, her bloody-seeming fingernails tapping  against her deck. "Other than that little fight today, it's been  dreadfully uneventful. I doubt people will stay interested if we keep  showing nothing but emotional turmoil."

"Then what do you suggest, Mrs. Heraohse?"

Vienna blinks in  surprise, unaccustomed to hearing her future daughter-in-law speaking.  She's stayed considerably hidden in the shadows throughout the Games,  though Vienna distinctly remembers being the same when she began.

"Did you have an idea, Attina?"

"Possibly. Yes."


- Each tribute/alliance  has been assigned one of the ten plagues of Egypt (though not all of  them have been used). Outlast it; it's simple as that. It may take the  shape of a hallucination if that's what you wish, or it could be all too  real.

- KILLS: One in the entry, two in ballots. Five will be put up for votes, with three dying.

- WORD LIMIT: 1,500 words (+250 for seeded players)

- DUE DATE: Monday, March 30th at 10 PM BST.


Remaining tributes/their plague:
District One, Jace Argentaria [1] - Dying children
District Four, Selene Albright [5] - Frogs
District Five, Avner Emerson - Lice
District Five, Vivienne Bright - Thunder and Hail
District Nine, Amity Fleeden - Boills
District Ten, Dove Evans [6] and District Eleven, Hettie Burris [4] - Flies
District Twelve, Egan Agni [4] - Locusts
District Thirteen, Ashley Fission [2] - Darkness
Capitol, Anna Smith - Water to Blood

If you need any clarifications, just ask.

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