Capitol Male: Judas Silver

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Author: Learning_to_Breathe

Name: Judas Silver

Age: 23

Gender: Male

District: The Capitol

Physical Description:  Judas is attractive by all Capitol standards. His complexion is pale  and clear, which is normal for a man of his age. His hair is a dark  blonde, a few inches in length and usually swept back and to the side.  His eyes are a blue grey, set in fine and high cheekbones. His nose is  long and thin, lips thin but full. A trim and neat beard usually hides  his smiles. Formerly awkward, thin and pimple studded, Judas had changed  drastically. He grew seven inches and stands at 6' 2". He has filled  out, maintaining a lean and appealing physique. His arms are where he  expresses himself. Tattoos are his kind of art and he has filled up much  of his right arm. His left arm has a single tattoo on the bicep.

Personality:  Judas is hard to read. At times, he seems to be cheerful, working with  others with a smile on his face and a bounce in his step. Other times,  Judas seems to have shut down, blank-eyed with lips drawn in a thin  line. He like to spend time alone, preferring silence over noise but his  dedication to his work gives him the strength to deal with crowds.  Judas's background has made him slightly unstable. He has trouble  sleeping at night and has built up stamina to stay awake for days on  end. He struggles with anger problems and has seasonal depression, which  can be a real pain during work season. He is known for his temper,  which can snap the second someone does something irritating- which can  be anything.

Background:  Formerly John Smith, Judas was given up for adoption when he was six  months old. His parents were extremely washed out attempts at fame.  Ashamed at their failures, they gave their son John to a friend who was a  little more well off and had connections to wealthy, famous citizens.  When he was six, a Capitol caseworker came and collected him from his  home. He doesn't really remember why but his caseworker says it's  because "that particular family did not appreciate his talents." For a  while, he bounced from house to house and when he was eleven, he decided  he had enough of the system. He ran away, joining a local circus who  immediately made him feel special and at home.

When he was twelve, the  Appleton couple legally adopted the young John Smith into their family.  He changed his name to Judas Silver, because he believes that his family  betrayed him for money. When he was twelve, he began working with the  animals in the circus, everything from snakes, monkeys and horses to  elephants and tigers. By the time he was seventeen, he became in expert  in tiger training and he became assistant trickster with his adopted  sister Cannery. He has since spent much of his time working with the  tigers.


Margery Appleton - Adopted mother (Elephant rider)

Bleu Appleton - Adopted father (Circus Ringleader)

Cannery Appleton - Adopted sister (Lead of Tiger Show)

Keith Smith- Biological father

Anna Smith - Biological mother

Reaped/ Volunteered: Reaped

Reaction/ Reason: As a last ditch effort for fame, Judas's biological parents sent him into the arena.

Strengths:  Judas's work requires many abilities, which have paid off for the Games.  He is quick, used to running from the tigers when they become enraged  and dainty on his feet when leading the tigers around courses. Combined,  the tigers eat around two hundred pounds of meat per day. Judas is used  to dragging or carrying all of this around and has the muscles to prove  it. Like a cat, Judas is good at stalking and picking out the  weaklings, thus making him good at hunting (probably of any kind). He  remains relatively emotionless, a skill that can keep certain things  from compromising his ability to work.

Weaknesses:  Because he usually only works with cats, Judas is bad at judging  character. If someone were to lie to him, he's liable to believe it.  He's a bit dull; it takes him a moment to strategize and a few seconds  could cost him his life. He doesn't really remember his past- his  caseworker said it was because his brain didn't want him to remember the  trauma. His seasonal depression can make it difficult for him to find  motivation in the things he does.

Weapon: Training  cats has given Judas the opportunity to use whips, throw heavy objects  and use heavy sticks. His weapon of choice would be a whip, crowbar or  anything that can be thrown.

Token: A locket with the pictures of his tigers- Sheer Khan and Meera.

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