District Five Female: Vivienne Bright

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Author: theravensdiadem

Name: Vivienne Bright

Age: 19

Sex: Female

District: Five

Physical Description:
Vivienne's  an average height for her age at 5'4", though she still complains that  almost everyone she knows is at least a head taller than she is. In  response to this, her best friend Merc usually teases her and argues  that she's likely even shorter underneath all that hair. She's probably  right; Vivienne's white blonde curls often exasperate her and recently  she tried cutting it to what she thought would be a tameable length,  just above her shoulders. Even though it's shorter now, it only seems to  be growing outwards and sprouts from her head as if defying the laws of  gravity. Apart from that, she has a round, heart-shaped face that often  causes people to wonder if she's truly as old as she is. As for her  eyes, she thinks that their pale grey colour don't stand out at all and,  if anything, only serve to accentuate the single patch of baldness that  divides her right eyebrow into two. (It was a mistake in the lab that  she now cannot forget thanks to the constant reminder on her face.)

Personality:  Vivienne's a generally cheerful young woman who'll either talk for hours  on end, as long as she has something to say, or sink into silence when  her thoughts are occupied at work. Among friends, she's spirited and  lively, usually bringing a smile to someone's face with her occasionally  strange thoughts. Though sometimes nostalgic with sporadic spells of  melancholy, she's an optimist at heart and assumes the best of everyone.  She believes everyone is inherently good and that anything negative is  for a reason and maybe even forgivable since -according to her-  criminals can't help the way they're raised. Even the people in the  Capitol aren't all bad - they can't be blamed for not thinking they're  doing anything wrong because they simply know no better!

Background: The  Bright family don't exactly have an expansive family tree. Call it fate  or just plain old bad luck, there's a disturbing trend of early demise  among its members and -with the exception of a few distant cousins from  marriages- Vivienne is the only Bright left. When she was just two years  old, District Five suffered a major blow as one of its largest chemical  labs was set alight after a series of miscommunications between the  workers. The blast claimed the lives of her parents along with hundreds  of others, while also leaving a significant amount of the population  disfigured. After that, Vivienne was placed under the care of her  grandmother, Elma, until she too died when Vivienne was 17 years old. At  least there was some consolation knowing that he grandmother had led an  unusually long life. Devastated by the death of the only guardian she'd  truly known, Vivienne was taken in by her friend Mercury's family and  has since recovered from her grief. Ever the optimist, she believed that  only good could come after the sadness she had endured and looked  forward to a future where she could no longer be eligible for the  Reaping. Sadly, things don't always happen the way one might hope they  will.


Geneva Bright (née Ohm) - Mother, DECEASED
Alfred Bright - Father, DECEASED
Elma Bright (née Diode) - Grandmother, DECEASED

Reaped: The  family reaped to represent District Five's female tribute was, of  course, Bright. With no one else alive or related closely enough to her  to volunteer, she had no choice but to treat it as any other reaping.

Reaction:  Vivienne opted to laugh it off and poke fun at the family tradition  coming back to haunt her. All jokes aside, she's understandably  irritated that the one year she'd normally be illegible is the one year  she gets reaped, never mind the fact that she's terrified out of her  mind. However, she's lived her whole life staring death in the face and  since she's survived this long, she thinks there's always hope that she  can prolong her life, one way or another, if she is forced to.

Strengths: She's  young and generally healthier than an average District Five tribute,  meaning she expects that she can become some sort of a threat if she  works hard enough in training. She's also gifted with an excellent  memory and is capable of retaining all kinds of life saving tips that  may slip the minds of her fellow tributes. She believes that she could  survive with a bit of weapon training and stands more of a chance than  the tributes who deny what's happened to them and hide, instead of  making the most out of the situation they're in.

Weaknesses:  Despite the circumstances, Vivienne could easily fall into her habit of  easily trusting those around her. This could prove fatal if someone  approached her menacingly under the guise of wanting an alliance. She's  also inexperienced in any kind of combat and doesn't stand much of a  chance in tough encounters.

Weapon: Unless  the arena can equip her for chemical warfare, Vivienne hasn't really got  any skill with weapons. She hopes that knowing what NOT to do from past  Games will be enough to survive and she's confident that her youth will  give her some advantage over the more weary tributes.

Token: The ring  given to both her grandmother and her mother on their wedding days. It's  traditionally given by a Bright male to his new wife, but Vivienne  figures they wouldn't mind a change in tradition given her current  situation.

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